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Snow White dashed through the gloomy corridors of the northern tower. She could distinctly hear the sound of heavy footsteps behind her, the deep shouts of the guards on her pursuit; and she knew that if she were to stop, even for merely a moment, she would be caught. But the stone halls were narrow and running has proven to be quite difficult; whereas ever so often there was a sharp turn, and more than once she crashed into the hard wall, constantly panicked at the thought that the guards would capture her in those brief moments.

She passed a large window, and a stream of light poured through the paneled glass. For the first time in years she was exposed to the sun. It blinded her vision, and briefly Snow White stood squinting at the light. Move, she berated herself, this is not a child's game. The echo of the guards were behind her and she forced her eyes open, pressing forward.

It seemed as if she were running for ages, until she saw door down the narrowed hall. Nearing the door, Snow White hoped and prayed that it would be unlocked. Please, she pleaded. Please, I'm so close. She barreled right into the door and ignoring the dull ache on her shoulder, she pushed it will all the strength she could muster. Slowly, it creaked open.

Just behind her, the clang of metal vibrates in the dim hallways, the guards closing in. But it was too late, and luck had favored her for when the door opened just wide enough, she had slipped through.

All she had grown to know was the cold, murky ambience of her cell. But alas, she was free for the first time in eleven years. The air wasn't as fresh as she had remembered in her youth, and glancing around she saw that everything was dull and grey, but she was elated at the notion that she was no longer a captive in that forsaken tower.

However, her joy was short-lived. Guards clad in jet black armor were approaching from every direction and Snow White desperately looked around as a means to find a way to slip pass them.

Then she saw it. A small bird, with feathers of red and white. It flew by the opening to the palace sewers, the gap small enough for her body to slip through, but the guards would not be able to further pursue her in their mass of armor. Snow White hesitated, discontent with the idea but she questioned herself. Death by the queen or freedom through the sewers?

A dark guard advanced toward her, spear raised. Snow White turned as fast as she could, dashing for the sewer, and sliding through the opening.

It was far worse than what she had anticipated within the sewers. Filthy rats swam around her, brushing up against her body and she steeled herself as to not scream. The smell of waste was foul and overwhelming, making it difficult for her to properly breathe. Gagging and retching through the begrimed passageway, Snow White waded through the murk as quickly as she could, constantly reminding herself that there will be an end. Eventually, she thought, hoped.

And indeed, after sometime, she was able to spot a streak of light at the end of the tunnel. So close, so close...

Unfortunately, her exit was not as she had hoped. She knew the drain led to the ocean, however, she had not expected the long distance of the drop. There were sharp rocks peaking out of the ocean water, rocks that Snow White knew would inflict her with wounds if she were to land on top of them. But once again, she questioned herself. Death by the queen or cuts and bruises?

Her answer was clear, and then she jumped.

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