Lumberjack with the log Clash Royale fanart + Announcement

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Requests, collabs and art trades are still closed


Marshmallowzzz hoomanzzz X333

I made this cuz I wanted to try sell/give away keycahins to mah friends ^^

This was requested by mah sir btw

Here's da sketch:

Here's da sketch:

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And ze digi:

hOw dO u eVeN dRaw mUscLEs XDD

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hOw dO u eVeN dRaw mUscLEs XDD


About ze previouz chapter, sry for being dramatic and stuff ( ^~^)

I just have a hard time controlling my emotions and stuff...

But I'm fine now honest!

Sry again...


Also, I may not be online that often. Maybe only at morning to night.

Mah schedule:

6-8 AM, 6-7 PM and 8-'till I fall asleep lol XDD

The reason is cuz I have a summer job at my auntie's clinic as her assistant. Also cuz I'm kinda broke ;u;

And there's no wifi and that's kinda good cuz it makes me focus nore on mah Panic Room meme XDDD


Have a nice day guyzzz!!!

Byeeee <333

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