Chapter 12

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Louis' pov.

"No.. No.. Absolutely not," Damien said after every single shirt I pulled out of my closet.

"Damien, you aren't even f.ucking looking at me. Take your eyes off Cam for like two seconds," I huff and throw the shirt down onto the floor to continue rummaging through my closet.

"Try to be classy yet sexy, you know?" Cam says from where he's perched on my bed with Damien constantly feeling him up. Cam seems to control Damien for the most part, though, so I'm beginning to like him.

"Can't I just wear one of my tshirts?" I nearly whine, but Cam shakes his head and stands up.

"You are being a horrible gay, Louis," Cam sighs and I move out of the way as he begins searching through my closet.

After a couple of minutes, Cam pulls out a plain white tshirt and a black button up shirt. He tosses them to me and then begins searching through my dresser where my pants are.

He pulls out one of my bright red pants and holds them up. "Seriously, Lou?"

"Hey, that was during my dark times, put them back," I huff and cross my arms over my chest.

Damien and Cam laugh as Cam puts them away and begins searching again. After a few more seconds, Cam pulls out a pair of black jeans that are rolled at the cuff. He tosses them to me and then sits down next to Damien again.

"Well, go on," Damien motions towards me and I roll my eyes. I'm definitely not changing in front of them, so I go out into the hallway and quickly strip out of my clothes.

The white tshirt and black jeans are tight and fit perfectly, and the black button up shirt makes it look more dressy than it actually is.

When I enter the room again, Cam throws his arms up and claps, while Damien laughs and shakes his head. 

"I'm a damn genius," Cam quickly stands and grabs my arm, pulling me over to sit in the wooden chair in front of my desk.

"I feel like we're in one of those eighties movies, ya know? Like Pretty Woman," Cam says as he brushes my hair and then ruffles it up with some type of product.

"I'm not a woman, but I am pretty," I shrug, watching in the mirror as Cam pushes my bangs off to one side, but keeps them messy. He pushes them up in the front, which is something completely new for me, but it looks good, so I'll let Cam do whatever he wants.

"Yes you are," Cam says and pokes the tip of my nose. I feel my face scrunch at the gesture, and Damien groans from behind us.

"Babe, can't you hurry up? The club opens in ten minutes," Damien whines, falling back onto my mattress.

"I'm done," Cam says after spraying my whole head with hair spray, managing to get half of it in my mouth.

"I'm wearing my Vans and you guys can't say anything about it," I announce as I get up, stuffing my feet into my shoes before they can protest.

"Do a twirl, damnit!" Damien says as I stand in front of him. I roll my eyes but do as he says, putting my arms out and turning in a circle.

"Ass, check. Legs, check. Face, check. Hair, check," Damien lists as I turn. "Alright, we're good to go!"


"Don't forget the plan, Lou," Damien says, clapping his hand on my shoulder. He nods to the bouncer at the front of the club as the man unhooks the rope and let's us in.

Some guys who are lined up behind the rope start yelling because we got in when they probably have been waiting for over an hour. Damien turns to look at them and raises his arms in the air, "I own this place, damnit!"

"That surely shut some of them up," Cam mutters as we enter the club. Damien shrugs and drapes his arms over Cam and I's shoulders.

"Harry will be performing at ten, so we have an hour until then to do whatever," Damien informs us. Cam doesn't work tonight, so he'll be helping in the whole date thingy I have to ask Harry on.

"Will he be out here?" I ask, referring to the dance floor and bar. Damien shakes his head and tells me that Harry doesn't leave his dressing room until after his performance, which is slightly disappointing.

"So until then, let's have some fun, yeah?" Damien says and as we approach the bar, he raises his hand and yells for our drinks.

He returns with three cups of pinkish liquid that have a stick with cherries in each cup. He hands one to Cam and I, raising his own in the middle of our group.

"To Lou for growing a pair and realizing that you have to get to know the man and not just his dick!" Damien announces, earning a few weird glances from people around us.

"And to Damien for being a royal asshole when I'm in need of guidance!" I yell back, raising my cup.

"And to me for f.ucking my boss!" Cam yells, raising his cup up to ours. We all laugh and clink glasses before taking a drink.

"Let's party!" Damien ushers us all out onto the dance floor, not stopping until we're in the dead center of the group.


Five glasses later and I'm having a total blast. I don't know how many random guys I have danced on, but I know for a fact that I even grinded on Cam momentarily until Damien got jealous and yelled at me.

It's good to see Damien sticking to one guy throughout the night, and I actually like Cam, so I'm completely on board the "Camien" ship.

Two hands grab a hold of my waist as I'm dancing and pull me back until I'm pressed against their front. We sway and grind to the music, the alcohol running through my system taking control of my actions.

When I turn my head to see who it is, I can't help but hope that it's Harry, and I'm slightly disappointed to see a brown-eyed blonde. He's attractive and has a nice body though, so I close my eyes and let loose again.

"What's your name?" He shouts over the music.

"Louis! Yours?" My words are only slightly slurred, but I don't pay much mind to it.

"Zach!" He yells back. I nod and turn my attention back on grinding against him.

The music slowly dies down and the lights on the stage begin to flicker. "Gentleman, please gather around for our first performance of the night," A man's voice says into a microphone.

"Lou!" Damien yells and grabs a hold of my hand. Before he can pull me away, I grab onto Zach's hand as Damien drags us to the front of the stage.

Damien sits next to Cam and I sit next to Damien with Zach on the other side of me. Damien gives me a questioning look but I just wave him off and turn my attention to Zach.

"So, where are you from?" I ask, leaning in probably a bit too close, but I don't exactly care at the moment. 

We ask each other simple questions, and I find that he's actually pretty funny. He has me laughing almost the entire time we're waiting, and it distracts me until I feel a sharp pain in my side.

I groan and roll my eyes, turning around to face Damien. "What the hell!?"

Damien and Cam's eyes are wide, staring in front of us. "What's wrong, guys?" I ask again.

"Lou," Damien whispers, pointing forward. I follow his gaze to the front of the stage, and my eyes instantly widen in shock.

My lips part as I take a sharp breath, immediately trying to calm my skyrocketing nerves. Usually I wouldn't be too surprised at the sight of Harry in his short black shorts, bow-tie, and bunny ears, but I can't help but be completely dumb-founded when he jumps down from the stage in the middle of his song and stomps over to me.


is this considered a cliff hanger?


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thanks for reading!(:

x wren

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