Chapter 15

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Harry's pov.

After Louis and I shared a heated make out session, accompanied by some really hot groping, he left to go find Damien after we had exchanged numbers.

I finished getting dressed in my usual attire: black skinny jeans with holes in the knees and a plain black tshirt. I pulled a grey beanie over my still damp curls which were sticking up all over the place thanks to Louis' wandering hands.

"Woo!" The door swung open, revealing a sweaty and shirtless Zayn. "The crowd out there was amazing. I love going on after you, because you get them all riled up."

"Perks of being a Playboy," I say, pointing at the white laundry basket on the floor filled with dollar bills. Guys that work here collect them after we leave the stage so nobody tries to steal the money I rightfully made.

"Damnit, you always get more than me," He grumbles, crossing my dressing room to plop down in the chair by my vanity.

"So, what happened after Louis kicked me out?" He asks, propping his feet up onto my vanity and leaning back in the chair.

"Well, he yelled at me. Seriously, it was like he was scolding me for giving him a boner," I roll my eyes and begin stuffing the money into my duffel bag.

"And then we made out again, and then exchanged numbers. Oh, let's not forget the part where he asked me on a f.ucking date."

"He asked you!?" Zayn yells.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't know when our date is though," I sigh, zipping up my bag. "I forgot to ask him. Is he still here?"

"Actually I think I saw him by the bar with Damien and a blonde guy," He shrugs, picking at his nails.

"A blonde guy?" I ask slowly. "Was he buff with sandy blonde hair that was styled up in this ugly weird quiff thing?"

"Yes, but he sure isn't ugly," Zayn laughs. "Like, I'm straight and all, but he's a good looking guy."

"Stop! Just- stop talking," I mutter, sitting on the ground with my head in my hands.

I can't believe Louis went back to him. Seriously, after everything we just did like thirty minutes ago? After I had admitted to being jealous of that Zach guy, of being jealous of them even talking? That's low.

"Woah, what's the matter?" Zayn interrupts my thoughts.

"Nothing. Where at the bar did you see them?"

"On the far left on the end, I think."

Before he can continue, I'm up on my feet and out the door. I told Louis I'd straddle him a hundred times if I had to in order to have his attention on me, and I plan on sticking to that promise.

I stop at the end of the hallway, my eyes scanning over the length of the bar. It's easy to the guys' faces who are seated around it because of the lights that are lined along the shelves containing alcohol.

I spot Zach's hair first, and Zayn was right: they are seated on the end of the bar. Zach is talking and moving his hands, but he isn't talking to Louis, he's talking to Damien.

Louis is seated on the other side of Zach, but he is not paying attention to what he's saying at all. His elbow is on the bar counter, his hand propping up his head as he looks down at what I think is his phone.

He looks completely and utterly bored while Zach, Damien, and Cam are all laughing and drinking the night away.

An idea pops into my head and I quickly pull out my phone from my back pocket.

To Louis: it's rude to be on your phone while other people are talking

I press send and watch him. He clicks something on his phone and his eyes widen momentarily. He lifts his head and glances around the bar, but he doesn't see me where I'm hidden under the dark lighting of the hallway.

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