Louis' pov.
The drinks were flowing; the atmosphere around our group was alive and just as loud as we were. One or all of us were constantly laughing or talking loudly over the sounds of the club, keeping the mood between us lifted and fun.
Damien was the best story teller - I had to give him that. With a glass in one hand, he demonstrated for dramatic effect by waving his hands around without spilling the contents of his drink. Cam was leaning into his side, a proud, wide smile etched across his face. Cam laughed the loudest at his jokes - technically, he was obligated to because they were together. It was only right to support your lover the most and boost his ego a bit.
Despite what I thought, I didn't do that often. If Harry told a joke, the rest of the group would burst into laughter, but I'd just stare at him. Others might have found it creepy, but I was too overwhelmed by his lively personality to care. He was the sunshine in my world, and sometimes you just had to sit back and admire it - which, I did. A lot.
The way his eyes lit up when he noticed the perfect opportunity to slip in a cheesy joke or a sexual innuendo was the cutest thing I've ever seen. The smirk that tugged at his lips after he had successfully made the group laugh was hot, despite the fact that he was being a cocky bastard over a simple joke.
When Harry's eyes met mine, the smile that was stretched across his cheeks dropped, immediately replaced by a heated stare. The power in which his emerald eyes held was nearly too much, almost making my head spin. The reminder that we were supposed to stay on task finally popped into my head and I lightly groaned, bringing my glass up to my lips and turning my head towards the rest of the group.
My eyes drift to Zayn, who had just finished the last little bit of his second glass of scotch. I watch as he grimaces at the taste, but shakes it off and lifts his head, gazing at Damien who is mid-story. There's color speckled all across Zayn's cheeks from the alcohol he's consuming, but it's perfect for what Harry has in store for him.
Once Damien is finished with his story, Harry claps his hand over Zayn's shoulder. "How are you doing, buddy?"
"Just fine," Zayn slurs slightly. He's in that stage where he's not entirely sober but he isn't necessarily drunk, either. "How 'bout you?"
"Oh, I'm peachy," Harry grins. "How about we all go dance?"
"Um, Harry?" Zayn shifts uncomfortably. He leans in and whispers something against Harry's ear. I can only assume that it's something along the lines of, "You know I'm not gay, what the hell?"
"C'mon, Zee! Let go for tonight, yeah?" Harry cheers.
Zayn's skeptical glance doesn't go unnoticed, but Harry seems to just brush it off and quite literally drag him towards the dance floor. I'm still not completely sure that what Harry is doing for Zayn is beneficial or not, but I don't think any of us have a say in this. Zayn is Harry's friend, not necessarily mine or Damien's, and Harry thinks this is the best way to help his friend decipher his sexuality. I will admit that when Zayn realizes what he wants, life will be much easier for him. All he needs to do is give into Liam, no matter how hard it might be for him.
The signs that Zayn is homosexual are all there: the wanting stares, the heated way in which he acts around Liam. All this being said, there's also evidence that Zayn is straight: his fiance, Perrie, being the main factor in that. I've only met Perrie once when Harry had offered a double date between us and Zayn and Perrie. From that near hour I spent around her, she seems like a really lovely girl. She's all smiles and laughter, and there's no denying the love and affection she holds for Zayn.
Maybe this is a bad idea.
With Perrie's smiling face in my mind, I abruptly abandon Damien and Cam to go look in search of Harry and Zayn. After weaving through the crowd of grinding men, I find them towards the middle, laughing and thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Playboy » L.S
FanfictionI was captivated, but he was all too good at his profession: Harry Styles, Playboy. © wrenadler, All Rights Reserved. (Larry with some Ziam)