Chapter 2

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Kokichi’s pace gradually slowed to a walk, believing he escaped Shuichi. The Ultimate Detective would surely crack this “case” soon with all the hints Kokichi has been dropping so frequently. That message he left on the back of the sticky note was practically a giveaway. It was quite dangerous to write down.

But Kokichi knew Kaede wouldn’t turn around the sticky note. Once she read “Sup, Kayayday,” she wouldn’t care about whatever it said on the back and wouldn’t even bother looking at the back. But Shuichi would surely find it and read it. The Ultimate Detective was always looking for clues, even if there was no case.

Last class of the day, at last, Kokichi thought happily. Can’t wait to get outta here. This day has been dragging on forever.

Kokichi threw the ice pack behind him, feeling he would no longer need it, for his head felt practically normal again.

He felt a sudden poke at his shoulder.

Kokichi tensed and turned around, worried to see Shuichi, of whom could have cracked this “case” and discovered Kokichi’s secret. Or, worse, Kaede, if Shuichi told her what it said.

But it was just Kaito.

Kokichi sighed in relief. “Oh, thank goodness it’s you,” he said.

“Huh?” Kaito asked, confused. “Whattaya mean?”

“I was scared you’d be someone else,” Kokichi answered.

“I can’t be anyone other than Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!” Kaito shouted, not getting what Kokichi was saying.

Kokichi’s hand met with his face. “Why are you so stupid?” he asked Kaito.

“Ugghh, not this again,” Kaito complained.

“What I said was so simple,” Kokichi groaned. “I don’t see how you could’ve misunderstand it.”

“I misunderstood it?” Kaito pondered.

“Wh--you can’t actually be that stupid, right?!” Kokichi asked, concerned. “When I said that I was scared you’d be someone else, I meant I was worried someone other than you was standing behind me.”

“Oooooooooh,” Kaito replied, understanding after the pointless explanation that nobody other than him would need.

“I’m headed to class, Kaito,” Kokichi said, changing the subject.

“I’ll stick with ya, since we’re headed to the same class,” Kaito replied.

“Sure, why not?” Kokichi concluded, sounding somewhat uninterested.

“By the way,” Kaito started out of the blue.

Kokichi tensed again, worried Kaito would say something that may cause Kokichi problems.

“I’m gonna need some help with the math homework. D’ya think you could help me after school?”

Kokichi sighed in relief again. “Sure,” he replied.

Kokichi felt something soft, but thick smack against him. He looked and saw a long brown ponytail.


“Gee, thanks for cuttin’ me off, Maki,” he said sarcastically.

“Oh, you liked that?” Maki asked, faking a large grin. “I could cut your head off, too, if you want.”

“Stop it, Maki,” Kokichi complained. “Why do you hate me so much?”

“Why doesn’t everyone else hate you?” Maki asked Kokichi.

Salty Petals (Kokichi Oma x Shuichi Saihara)Where stories live. Discover now