Chapter 6

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AN: This chapter is pretty short, compared to the other chapters. Sorry.
There will probably be only one more chapter after this one, just saying.
Anyway, nobody wants to here my stupid voice. On with the chapter!

Kokichi watched the room door close behind Shuichi, the smirk slowly deforming. Sure, he was lying about not knowing his feelings, he said internally, but he still may not change. He may try to deny it. He’ll probably just ignore it, and not care. That’s how it always is with me, anyways. If people care for me in any way, they try to push it down and don’t let themselves care. Even if he is lying, he’ll believe in that lie, and think it’s true. He’ll ignore me, and stick with Kaede. But that’s...that’s fine.

Kokichi felt tears welling up in his eyes. I don’t deserve someone as amazing as Shuichi anyway. Kaede is one lucky girl. And she’s amazing anyway. She’s...perfect for Shuichi. I don’t care how much he loves her or me, he loves Kaede, and that’s fine. He can have her.

Kokichi was about to burst into tears when he heard a knock at the door.

“Kokichi? This is Kiibo speaking. Shuichi wanted me to ask if you needed any assistance. I would be more than happy to help.”

“Come on in,” Kokichi said, somewhat monotonous.

Kiibo opened the door and entered. “How are you feeling, Kokichi?” he asked. “Everyone is concerned for you, considering you did pass out on the floor with no warning.”

“I’m okay, I guess,” Kokichi lied.

“Are you sure?” Kiibo asked.

“I’m...not sure, honestly,” Kokichi admitted. “A lot is going on for me right now.”

“Do you feel well enough to go to class?” Kiibo asked.

Kokichi shrugged. “I guess.”

Kiibo pointed at the adhesive around Kokichi’s knee. “Is your knee okay? You appear to have injured it.”

“It’s fine, Kiibo,” Kokichi said, standing up off the bed. “It’s just a little blood. I’ll manage. I’ve been through worse.”

“Just be careful, Kokichi,” Kiibo advised. He stepped back so he wasn’t in Kokichi’s way.

“I will, Kiibo,” Kokichi replied, walking out of the room. “Th-thanks.”

“You are welcome, Kokichi!” Kiibo said, a gratifying smile on his face.

Kokichi exited the nurse’s office and walked past the others without even a glance. He limped slightly, but not too bad.

“Kokichi?” Miu called.

Kokichi said nothing and simply walked out of the nurse’s office without acknowledging anyone.

“Sheesh, what’s his problem?” Miu complained.

Kaede put her hand on Miu’s shoulder. “Maybe you should ignore that for now,” she said. “Kokichi seems to be in pain.”

“Shuichi seems to know what Kokichi is going through,” Rantaro said.

“What wrong with Kokichi?” Gonta asked. “Will Shuichi tell?”

“M-me?” Shuichi sputtered.

“I think I may know what’s up,” Miu mumbled. “But I promised not to tell.”

“Gotta go!” Shuichi exclaimed, sprinting out of the nurse’s office.

Kiibo sprang out of the room out of nowhere. “No running in the halls!” he shouted.

Shuichi ignored Kiibo and continued to run.

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