Chapter 1

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 The world of Remnant now lives in a time of peace. Or that was supposed to be. For a certain pair of sisters on Patch, is a whole different story.

Ruby and Yang was holding each other for comfort, waiting for the punishment that was about to happen to them. Yang recently tried to escape and look for her biological mother Raven with Ruby in a red cart. But she nearly got the both of them killed if it wasn't for their uncle Qrow.

In all honestly, they wished that it did. Because ever since Ruby's mother died over a year and a half ago, their father slowly started to get more and more abusive, almost to the point where he started to treat them as slaves. And now, the two sisters feared what their father would do to them.

"W-what d-do you think d-d-daddy will do t-to us?" the five year old Ruby asked, shaking in fear.

"I'm not sure, Ruby. But you need to be brave, sis. We're going to be okay," the seven year old Yang said, trying to calm her little sister.

After a couple of minutes went by, Tai screamed Yang to come down and face her consequences, and she did, with a lot of hesitation. Once she entered the living room, she saw her father waiting there with a look that could kill a Deathstalker.

"Do you have ANY idea how worried I was!?" Tai screamed.

"What? Missed your slaves?" Yang asked without emotion.

Suddenly, Tai hits Yang as hard as he could, sending her to the wall and leaving a dent in it.

"You don't talk to me that way!" Said Tai, hitting Yang again in the face, leaving a black eye on her.

He continued to hit her, until she was left blue, black and bloody, all of her aura was drained and she barely had the energy left to move.

"You need a lesson to never do this again," said Tai as he walks away to get something.

"NO! Leave Ruby alone!" Yang protested.

"Oh don't worry. I got something different planned for her. For now, though..." Taiyang said as he walks back to the living room, with an axe in hand.

The moment Yang saw the axe, she started to shake in fear. She has a good idea of what's about to happen to her, but she couldn't do anything. Not even crawl. All that she could do is cry. Cry in pain.

"Now, stay still. This will only hurt a lot," he said with a sadistic smile.

He brought the axe above his head and with a power swing, he brought the axe down on Yang's left arm. The axe stopped once it hit the bone, causing Tai to swing down again and again, all the while, Yang screaming from the top of her lungs. After a couple more swings, her left arm finally came off. Yang was holding the stump that was once her arm and crying in pain.

Suddenly, a couple of roars from Beowulfs and Ursas could be heard outside. Tai let's out an annoyed sigh as he walks outside, dealing with the Grimm. He just left Yang there in pain, as she continued crying.

"Dear Oum. Tai, what have you done," said a new voice in the room.

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