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Ps: i hope yall like my edit up here❤️

1 week later..

Kaya and i moved into Jordans House after a week. We created a good bond with him and we got to know Each other day by day. Jordan visited us daily in our hotel room he cared about us a lot like we were hes family. At nights i used to get dreams about Michael looking for me and finding me at the hotel i was so scared and told Jordan about it and he instantly brought us to his appartement. As much as i love to be with Jordan i do missed home a lot, not Michael but i missed the place where i lived in where i slept, cleaned , cooked  Kaya had her own beautiful nursery we left so many things behind us because it became to much. But i hope and i had some hope that one day we will retrn to that place and live a better life cause i do feel like a burden honestly in Jordans house.

"Sara im home!" Jordans heavy voice called from the hallways as i covered sleeping kaya in bed and made my way to the hallway where he was taking off his shoes.

"Hey Jordan" i said walking up to him and taking off his jacket. He smiled and looked at me" today was a rough day im happy to be home did yall eat?" He asked worried as i nod my head and smiled. "Yeah we did you must be hungry i made Spaghetti"

"Yeah i do crave some spaghetti" he said as he kissed my cheek making me blush a little, he was much taller then me so he towered over me when he stood in front of me. I looked at him and froze a little when he wrapped his arms around my waist. We made eye contact and ive never felt this shy in my life. "Your so beautiful  Sara is that really what happiness does to you?" He asked me as i blushed by his comment. Since i moved into his house and hang out with him ive been taking good care of myself after being a mom i never took care or tried to look good because Michael never even looked at me he never saw me standing in front of him i bought the sexiest lingerie and nightdresses in the hope that he would aknowledge but no he didnt. But Jordan he did he complimented me every day and the more he did the more i felt
Confident and beautiful and thats how every Women should feel.

"Yeah it does" i said back now holding him also as he smiled and gently pressed his lips against mine. We were locked in a kiss and i didnt know what or how i was feeling right now, this kiss was amazing so beautiful it brought me in tears like a kid that got the best gift in the world. As he noticed my Teared up eys he broke the kiss and cupped me cheeks looking me deep in the eyes.

"Aint no Michael Gonna come near you or harm you again baby you heard me your safe i promise you and Kaya gonna live the life you two deserve" he said as i nod my head and smiles trough tears. He pulled me in a hug and rubbed my back as i broke down in tears finally believing that im safe.

*michaels pov*

"Your so damn evil! Why did you steal my wallet give it the fuck back Channel!!"

"So what if i wont what you gonna do huh whats your is mine also that how love goes!"

"Absolutely not! Every person got his own wallet married or not everyone needs his own cards money in his pocket and your taking it without permission and above that you buy so much bullshit and you still want me to pay you for food and shit go cook your a woman you cant only Live from fast food all day!! And if you love me and call me Your lover then show me some love!"

"Listen up Michael you aint gonna teach me
How to behave dont let me start about you mr wanna be innocent don expect me to be all lovie dovy with you its been a week now i tested you and all youve been doing is leaving the house saying your a hard working man but guess who Followed you to your hoes? And guess who killed all of them? Yep exactly mr wanna be innocent was still fucking hoes while he was married and had a child i saw the true you Michael and god god send me to you with a good damn reason"

I looked at her In total shock this girl was evil and so smart i could choke myself right now i think god was really Punishing me For everything i did. "Your crazy your so crazy!"

"Ohh yes iam" if your ass was normal i wouldve been normal to" she hissed back "know
What get out the house Channel GET OUT!"

"You sure you wanna kick me
Out the house?!" She yelled as she grabbed a gun out of her Purse Next to her and Pointed it at me. I was so in shock i didnt know what to do what did i put myself into.

"Come on say it again if your a men!" She yelled as i stood there in front of her frozen from the situation. "Exactly quit like a bitch cause thats what you are Michael im so happy that Sara escaped from a devil Like you" she said as she put her gun back in her purse "oh and if your try to take the gun away from me your gonna lose those big hands of you got it?"

"K...know what im out!!" I yelled as i made my way to the door but then i got slapped hard across my face making me
Groan in pain and stop. "Your going upstairs Michael thats what your Going to Do and better be naked ill be there in a few" she demanded as i got up and made my
Way upstairs to The room i sat down on the bed and broke down in tears instantly realizing
That i fucked my life completely.

"God Sara what have i done to you where are you?" I said to myself while crying.

A new chapter and honestly a terrible chapter For Michael how do you feel about him? COMMENT AND VOTE for the next chapter❤️

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