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"Sara Please Just listen to me! she did that on purpose cause she knew i missed you two so much i used to go to sleep with our wardrobe doors open so i could see you and Kaya's stuff and not feel kinda lonely she did that on purpose to make me angry and use taht as a good excuse to have Jordan attack me. Sara i..i love you" he said cupping my face witj both hands makin me look up at him. "I love you so much Sara cause i dont want to lose you again i want to change and im doing this for you please dont let something stupid thing Chanel did bother you your stuff and Kaya's stuff are here now ill help you with folding them and putting them back on their place."

After hearing the whole story and after looking him in the eyes i know he wasnt lying he was telling the truth. I nod my head in agreement.
"I believe you Michael i do but i do wanna ask you something to."

"What is it?"

"I want a divorce Michael i dont wanna be your wife i wanna start from the beginning i wanna fall in love with you and same for you i want us to built our love up untill marriage a real marriage from love not from being forced Michael i want to know what love is i want to look at you and know that you love me
And care about me now when im looking at you i feel like you only wanna change for the sake of our daugter what i explained to you multiple times in the past."

I saw the Expression on Michaels face it wasnt a very happy face it made him sad i didnt say anything wrong im just being honest about my feelings how will i ever say i love if i dont even mean it he has ruined my life for years which woman would even go back to that person?

"B..but..you know i mean i understand your point and it kinda dissapoints me that your still affraid of me i know you are You dont even have to deny that Sara. I mean its all my fault now and you know what i think to be honest we all should start from the begin your right from being a girlfriend and boyfriend and build ourselves up into marriage one day a marriage  with pure love and happinnes."

Just hearing Michael agreeing with me made me feel happy and this was already a good step from him to me. "I dont want no Divorce money Michael not even full custody i want to raise Kaya with you but not as a married couple    Just as a couple that had a baby to soon together we can live in this house together but im gonna go find a jo....."

"No hell you wont get a job Sara are you serious im rich baby you dont have to work your ass off ill get you anything you want and pay for everything."

"No michael i dont want to depend on you were not gonna be a married couple a girlfriend and boyfriend got their own income we pay for each others on dates or something but no i want to make my own money and not ask you all the time."

"You got a point in that Sara its all your choice.."

Flashback years ago on a day that they never wanted to happen.

"Sara sweetie you look gorgeous in this dress Michael gonna love it you look so wealthy strong and beautiful that what i want from my daughter" neither did she know i was broke and weak like a motherfucker and holding back my angry and heartbreaking tears back i didnt want this i really didnt want to Marry A person that doesnt even love
Me i cant believe my parents and his parents agreed  on a forced marriage completely against us and all in secret the government knew about the marriage but not that it was forced so our parents were so smart to not take us to the church cause the church would
Instantly notice and feel that this marriage aint good news  and i mean being in such a powerfull religic place none of us would handle the fake act and we would instantly say no to each other and our family
Would become the clowns of the city.

They had us get married in the middle of a forest yeah you read that a forest. The most safest and quiet place far away from the city and the church. And our guests were only family members our friends were forbidden to come cause they knew they might ruin this
Marriage For our sake and Michaels Uncle was had us say the fake vows to each other and made us become Wife and husband and had us kiss the most fakest and coldest
Kiss in my whole life.

"Michael would you take Sara to be your beloved wife?"

"Y..yeah i do"

I wanted to choke myself that moment Michaels eyes were tearing up and not
From happinnes i got that.

"Sara would you take Michael to be your beloved husband?"

"I d..do" i said and as it was time to kiss we took a few steps closer to each other we didnt even make eye contact our lips touched  and thats where we both  had tears stream down our face it was a feeling no male or female wanted to feel in his life everyone dreams of the perfect love and marriage....that fairytale that we all dream of but that wasnt the case for me.

Our honeymoon was hell Michael had to take me to paris for honeymoon for three days but after to be exact 25 hours we took the next plane back home cause after he took my
Virginity i hated him more then ever cause i mean you dont love Me no one is here to force him to take my virginity, but the sickest part was that he did was forced to
Do it cause when we came back home my mother got me a damn doctor to examinate my vagina to see if im still a virgin or not i never hated my Mother like this having a random Guy checking my private part!
I lost my virginity to Michael  that was my worse Honeymoon i think the only thing he liked in the marriage was popping my cherry as they say. I mean which guy doesnt love to fuck a virgin woman and deep down i know he liked
My Body and he still does I had the perfect curves from god even tough i had a big butt but i didnt had big boobs they only got a little bigger cause of pregnancy.

If i could go Back In time i wouldve had ran away from my parents.

An ran away from this life...

I Hope yall liked this Crazy Chapter!  I feel so bad for these two do you guys
Think they mad ethe rught decision?

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