Why I write?

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I started writing a long time ago. I have been feeling a need to compose since childhood.

Every child likes to dream up and compose all sorts of stories, fairy tales. I dream up every night. It is my habit. Where did the habit come from? I don't know. It was like a unconditioned reflex. But at that time it was only in my head.

Everything changed in one evening. I thought that my head exploded. It seemed so huge and heavy to me, that I had to write down on paper all my thoughts. I felt that I had been not able to live without writing a day. Hundreds and thousands of ideas for new books, new images of characters constantly swarm in my head. A new world opened up inside me. I have begun to see the world in color - not black and white as before.

I see incredible stories in everything, even in the smallest events. I want to write down these stories immediately, if only there are a piece of paper and a pen in my hand.

I often have the same "paroxysm" as in the first evening. I have a headache, because too many thoughts are going to break my head. I begin to "go crazy" because of some new insane idea for a book or because of a story that takes possession of me. My hands shake, because they want to write all my thoughts.

Writing isn't only my hobby. Writing is me, my life and my air.

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