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Time. What is it? What do we want to say, when we say «time»? What power is hidden in these four letters?

Our whole life is part of world history which is given to us to change something in the present. Every instant is present. Every new instant is a new present. But when a new second comes, where does the previous one go? Maybe, it changes and disappears forever, "removed" from the canvas of time. And are these the seconds we call the past? It turns out that the future also consists of such "non-existent" seconds. Hence, the only thing that exists and makes sense is the present. This is what we are taught and this is what we are told.

What if for a minute we put aside general stereotypes? What if outgoing seconds remain somewhere? And the future already exists, but changes with every action? Then new hundreds and thousands of questions arise. What does time look like? Where is it located? What is it like? How can we change it? As soon as we answer one question, new ones show up. As always - the more answers, the more questions.

If you imagine life as a presentation, which is made by an invisible hand, every slide in this presentation will be an instant, which flash and disappear. We see this presentation, but we don't know where these slides come from, and where they disappear. There is someone who manages their transition. Who is this «someone»? May it is the time? And is there an opportunity to return everything or to look ahead, to see what is behind the dozens of slides?

Any person would try to become the creator of such a presentation, which can always be viewed anew.

From the moment of birth, parents keep our photos, impressions of our hands, our first pacifiers. Becoming older, we get our own achievements, the evidence of which we store carefully. Then we have families, and everything repeats itself again.

The same thing happens to the future. A person from his childhood is making plans. Children dream to go to the cinema or a new playground tomorrow. Teenagers hope to meet behind the corner "the love of their life", go to colleges and universities, build their careers. Adults believe in the future success of their children.

This creates the illusion that a person can control his life, but it is not true. We can't know in advance, how much time is allocated for us. We can't foresee the circumstances that will turn our lives in one direction or another. We can't stop time, delay happy moments. But just as time helps us get away from sad events, it removes pain and suffering from us, heals the soul.

It turns out that time is our enemy and friend at the same time. Our task is to learn to accept it in any manifestation. And just live.

It was old, dilapidated town. It was destroying in front of me. Time had collapsed and left it afterwards. Everything stopped here.

High, once majestic high-rise buildings have emptied, having turned into ruins. And once eye catching paint on the shop signs came off and fell off onto the worn-down roads. People left their cars long ago. Now these cars stand alone in the streets, rusty and tarnished. Where the flowerbeds used to be, there are nothing left now. Even the sky was somehow aged, brownish-gray, unattractive. The sun did not rise above this old town for a long time, because the sun is for the living, and everything here died long ago and continued to die.

I walked along abandoned road where once cars buzz and rush. It was more like a dream. The road seemed to be, but at the same time there was no road, because it did not exist at any particular time. It was just a long time ago, but now...

Empty shops were darkening on either side of me. Their windows were covered with dust and darkened. However, graffiti has survived on them. The boys I knew drew this graffiti long ago.

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