EPILOGUE: The Beeping

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Jihyo sat at the head of the bed, stroking the Taiwanese's head softly, fingers running through to untangle any knots that may have formed. She absolutely hated that beeping, but also loved it at the same time. It meant Tzuyu wasn't awake, but also meant that she was alive. And that's all that matters.

Sana sat beside Jihyo, teetering between sleep and consciousness. By only slightly, Sana was a huge mess, even messier than Jihyo. The two have stayed by Tzuyu's side as much as possible after the incident, and they have talked to her many times in her comatose state.

"It was stress", the doctors have said. Sana was in a coma because of the stress she felt, but how? Sana suggested it might have been the night when Tzuyu fainted after a guy jumped from the bushes and scared them. And with that piece of information, the doctors thought that he scared her so bad that her brain couldn't respond correctly, and decided to put her in a coma.

"When will you wake up?" Jihyo softly asked. "It's been almost a month."

"Three weeks and four days," came the muffled correction from Sana.

Jihyo chuckled. "Yeah. And we need for you to wake up soon."

"Our poor maknae," Sana continued. "Why won't she wake up? It's been forever."

"She's not ready yet. Her body isn't ready yet. Give her some time."

The rest of TWICE were outside, mainly asleep, or talking softly to one another. The two eldest were awake, somewhat, and were talking to each other.

"Do you think we'll be the same when Sana wakes up?" Nayeon asked.

Jeongyeon slowly nodded, her eyes closed. "After a while, when Sana is healthy again, yeah."

"But what about that creep that Tzuyu and her saw? You don't think they'll be out to get them, do you?"

Jeongyeon shook her head immediately. "I trust we will be protected by JYP."

Nayeon nodded, although she wasn't entirely sure. There was something in her gut that made her think so, but she brushed it off. JYP wouldn't let them get hurt.

Jihyo was on the verge of sleep when the monitor made her wide awake.


It was speeding up. It was going faster.

"Sana!" Jihyo exclaimed, sitting up straight.

The two watched their maknae's face for any signs of change. At first, it was nothing. But then her eyes began to slowly move, eyelids lifting slowly before shutting quickly. Sana just about pushed Jihyo out the way, standing so close to the leader that she could feel her heartbeat.

Soon, Chou Tzuyu was awake and looking at her two older members.

"CHEWY!" Sana yelled, pulling Tzuyu into a hug.

"Ah! Hey...Sana...unnie..."

"You're squeezing the life out of her!" Jihyo said, separating the two. Still, Sana couldn't contain her excitement and latched on to her leader's arm, tears of happiness slipping down her face.

"What's going on—" Jeongyeon had walked in, Nayeon and the others close behind. She stopped when her eyes went to the girl in the bed, who was smiling at everybody. "Tzuyu?"


The rest of TWICE ran in the room and crowded around Tzuyu, hugging parts of her much more calmly than Sana has.

"Tzuyu, are you okay?"

"Does your head hurt?"

"Do you need anything?"

"I'm glad you're back!"

"We've missed you!"

Tzuyu smiled at everyone, but before speaking, she looked around the room for something.

"I think she needs wa—" Jihyo started.

A bottle of water was in Sana's hands within a second, and she assisted Tzuyu in helping her drink.

After downing the entire bottle, Tzuyu wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. "What happened?"

"You were in a coma," Sana replies. "A stress one."

"Really? For how long?"

"Three weeks and four days. We were all very worried about you. Us and ONCEs."

"Oh no. I hope I haven't let you guys down." Tzuyu frowned at everybody.

"You haven't," Momo smiled.

"I had the weirdest dream," she said, placing a hand on her forehead. "I was a ghost...and everybody was fighting...and Somi has joined us...and crying."

"Sounds weird," Dahyun said.

"That's not even the weird part. Someone had been impersonating you, Dahyun unnie, and you were locked away."


"It was the strangest thing. And a guy, dressed in all black—the same guy I saw before—was there. He was the one behind it all."

"So you do remember that night?" Sana questioned.

"A little. Just the guy, mainly."

"You must be tired," Jihyo said, ceasing any further conversation. "I'll get the doctor and JYP PD-nim. Don't ask Tzuyu-ah too many questions. She needs to rest."

Tzuyu smiled at her leader, happy that she wasn't acting strange, and neither did any of the other members. The ones in her dream scared her and made her sad, because they were so out-of-character.

"I'm glad you're back, Tzuyu," Sana said with her soft voice, putting her arms around the youngest member.

Tzuyu felt content with everybody around her, safe and sound. No crazy killer, no sad Sana, no underweight Dahyun, no crazy Nayeon, no suspected-killer Somi. Everything was back to normal.

Jihyo and Jeongyeon went to fetch the doctor and JYP. Tzuyu gazed after them, relaxing at the quiet hum of voices from her members. Her head pounded, but she will be okay. They all will.

Until a second later, she froze in Sana's grip. Nayeon noticed first, furrowing her eyebrows. "Tzuyu?"

Sana lifted her head up, frowning. "Tzuyu, you okay?"

Tzuyu stared out the door, where a man stood, watching them all. He dressed in all black, wearing a black hood. Blood pounded in her ears and she slowly shook her head. No. He can't be there. He just couldn't.

Before he disappeared, Tzuyu fainted again in Sana's grip.

TA-DAAAAA!! And THAT is the end of Beauty Sleep!

I'm so glad to have met so many awesome people through this book, and thank you so much for sticking with me through my accidental hiatus and with my poorly written chapters.

As you already know, this is my first book on this account, and I have written on a different account beforehand. This was really bad (I don't know why you guys read it) when I first began writing, and I will begin editing so it will not be as bad.


Anyways, I will be writing more. I currently have a BTS book out, am in the process of writing SEVENTEEN, Wanna One, LOONA, more BTS, and more TWICE books.

If you head over to my personal book, EEE, you'll be able to get little updates of my stories + my pathetic life, so I highly recommend. Especially since I hardly use my message board.

So, yeah. Thanks, again you guys, and I'll see you in my next book. Byes!!

Beauty Sleep // Chou Tzuyu✔️Where stories live. Discover now