In Love with an Assassin [one]

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Just like that, my world came crashing down. The beauty around me didn't seem to matter anymore.

As I watched him walk away, there was only one question going through my head, "Why?" I looked at the flowers all around me. This was supposed to be the night when he told me he loves me, when everything would fall into place. When my life would be complete... What a lie that was.

Suddenly, I grabbed the flowers, and started throwing them around. Anything I could get my hands on was being thrown, pots, flowers, even the twinkle lights. It was as if my body had no control. My brain kept repeating itself, "Why? Why? Why? Why..."

My emotions soon hit me like a train, and I crumpled to the ground crying. I'm not sure how long I was there, but soon, my 17 year old body drifted off into a nightmare haunted sleep.


That was five years ago. I was stronger now, not as naïve. I am 22 years old now, an assassin, I guess you could call me. My life had forever changed, after that fateful day.

Let me elaborate, when I felt the severe pain that he caused me, I knew it was time to toughen up. Soon, fighting became my life. I had learned well, and someone from a secret agency found me [I'm not allowed to disclose the name, then I would have to kill you and anyone else who and came to learn the name, unauthorized.] and I'm now valuable for not only my fighting skills, but for my ability to kill without so much as a second thought. That is how I accumulated the name 'Black Widow' or 'Spider.' To tell you the truth, I never use my real name, so that is all you will know me as.

I live in a small apartment, everyone not knowing a thing about me. I was only social if it was necessary, mostly for assignments.

I looked at my new target. I was able to kill without leaving a trace, it was as if the person had disappeared off the face of the earth. Do not call me cruel or crude, as I only kill men who don't deserve to be living in the first place. Men, just like my ex boyfriend was now. Men that abuse their power, men that abuse women, men that do drugs excessively and sell them too, men that are just plain evil.

I know what you're thinking, "Oh, I bet that guy she's staring at right now is her ex." But if you thought that, you would be extremely wrong. This man has a lot less power that my used-to-be boyfriend, yet, he is still a very big drug dealer here. Where am I, you ask? Again, it is an undisclosed location in the U.S.

I, again, focused my attention on the disgusting man in front of me. Of course, he was older, about late 40s, as I read in the file. He was already balding, with yellow teeth... At least the few teeth he had left were yellow, probably as an affect of all the drugs he'd done in the past 10 years. He was actually a very short man, standing at about 5'8. He carried himself with the air of a man that thought he was the best at everything. Little did he know that he was the target of one of the most lethal assassins in the world. Oh well, he would find out very soon.

I put on my best smile, and walked over to him.

"Hi there," I said, hamming it up as much as possible. I could tell it was working, from the way he was looking at me.

"Well, hello there. How's it going, baby?" He said, trying to sound seductive.

"It would be better if you came with me." He was completely unaware of my real intentions for him. He willingly followed me to a small room, away from everyone else.

I smiled wickedly and pushed him down on the bed, evil freely glinting in my eyes. Okay look, it's not like I enjoy killing people, it's just like a second nature to me, you know, evil overcoming good? That's how I think about it, this man has done evil to so many others; he deserves it. I know I might sound a little cynical, but that's just how it is.

He began to look scared, not liking where this was going. Then, I snapped his neck, and just like that, he died instantly. I'm not one for cruel killings, no matter how bitter and heartless I may seem. I called the clean up crew quickly to take the body and wipe away any traces of the death.

But even I didn't know the horrible mess I would soon get myself into. This my friend, is the life of an assassin.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2010 ⏰

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