Chapter 4

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*this is gonna be a time skip*
Pinkie was in her 6th month of her pregnancy she was very big and tired most of the time Mr. and Mrs.Cake made sure she took it easy she rested a lot it to her it was nice but she was so very tired she fell asleep after she sat down Cheese had yet to be caught for the rape and abuse of Pinkie Pie she was worried about him killing her she couldn't sleep as much as she needed to. Pinkie was napping in her bed when she was shook awake startled she screamed and fell off her bed "Oh my goodness Pinkie I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" Mrs.Cake said as she helped Pinkie up "it's fine I wasn't sleeping well anyway." Pinkie replied the bags under her eyes showed she was telling the truth "anyways why did you wake me up?" Pinkie asked "oh the Princesses are here so are your friends there waiting downstairs." Mrs.Cake said Pinkie nodded they walked down the stairs it was hard for Pinkie to get down the stairs now and days so Mrs.Cake stayed by her side to help her downstairs they got down on the bottom floor when they saw Mr.Cake talking with the Princesses Shining Armor and her friends "hey honey." Mrs.Cake getting there attention they looked and saw Mrs.Cake and Pinkie "sorry we're a little late but it's hard for Pinkie to walk up and down the stairs." Mrs.Cake said Pinkie sat down on couch and fell straight asleep they laughed "she just woke up from a nap not so long ago and now she is asleep again." Mrs.Cake said Applejack who was close to Pinkie shook her she didn't awake so Twilight tried she whispered in her ear this jolted her awake and like with her bed she fell off the couch everyone laughed she woke up and tried to get up everyone laughed again Fluttershy helped her up after a few minutes of laughing she got up on the couch "So we bring good news!" Princess Cadence said "and what is that news Cadence?" Twilight asked "we caught Cheese Sandwich!" Cadence said everyone was happy Pinkie was overjoyed she smiled now her nightmare was over she would never have to see his face again nor will she have to tell her story "there is one thing though Pinkie you need to tell us what happened in court." Princess Celestia said Pinkie froze she was quite shocked she stood up wrong mistake the moment she stood up she passed out "PINKIE!!!" Everypony shouted Mr.Cake took her upstairs and they waited ten minutes later Pinkie came to and she remembered what Princess Celestia said she would have to tell her story to everypony at court she hated the idea it made her very sick she felt like she was gonna throw up she didn't thankfully Mr.Cake came in to check on her and saw she was awake "Thank Celestia your awake!" He said and ran to her "do you remember anything?" He asked she nodded "I have to tell my story in court." She replied she felt sick again this time she couldn't hold it back she ran to the bathroom and threw up after she was done she came out and saw Mr.Cake has left she got back into bed.

Mr.Cake went downstairs to tell them about Pinkie waking up when he got to the living room the conversation stopped and they looked at him "she's awake and remembers what happened and it made her sick literally." Mr.Cake said "well I'm sorry but we must know or he could get away with it." Princess Celestia said Twilight got an idea "Princess Celestia would it be alright if Pinkie wrote down what happened?" The Alicorn mare asked her old mentor "I don't see why not if it'll make her more comfortable that way." She said they heard hoof steps on the stairs and went to look there was Pinkie walking slowly down the stairs Rainbowdash flew up to help her "I got this Dashie." Pinkie said "by the time you get downstairs it'll be dark." Rainbowdash joked and helped her down

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