chapter 13

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Somepony was following Pinkie Cheese Sandwich was in the shadows following Pinkie he knocked her out and dragged her away only this time she wasn't coming back alive...

Cheese was in cave to murder his ex he had the prefect place to dump her body he began to stab her multiple time
*Few minutes later*
It was done Pinkie was dead it was the dead of night and he took her body to a river he put the body in bag and put rocks and dumped her in the water and then he ran...

After searching for awhile the mane 5 wrote to Princess Celestia who thus began a search of every place they could think of they came to a river the same river that Pinkie was in "She could be in the water." Rainbowdash said "indeed I'll send a search crew to look in the lake

The water crew searched and they found a bag fearing the worst they brought it up and opened it and there she was multiple stabs wounds and a broken neck they zipped up the bag and went to inform Princess Celestia...

"We searched the lake and we found her multiple stabs wounds and a broken neck I'm sorry but she's dead..." The captain of the water team said it was silent that was broken by Maud who began to cry "i-i c-ca-can't be-be-belive s-sh-she is go-gone!" Maud said crying her mother Cloudy Quartz wrapped her hooves around her sobbing daughter and held her close tears slipping down her face her little Pinkiamen was gone soon the rest of the Pie family was in tears hugging each other the Pies weren't they only one tears the mane 5 also broke down even Rainbowdash who was typically strong was crying their element of laughter and true friend who could make anypony smile was dead they embraced each other Pokey and his kids left Ponyville and started a new life after Pinkie was taken but was sadden by the lost of a wife and mother everypony stopped crying and started telling stories about the good old days with Pinkie...

"Remember how she thought we forgot her birthday?" Applejack said "yea..." Rainbowdash said everypony knew what it meant there would be no more parties no more laughing no more Pinkie... All went to bed that night and they dreamed about Pinkie all the good memories they shared all the parties she threw how she could make anypony smile no matter how bad of a day their having she was always there to listen to give you advice when you needed it and overall just being a true friend...

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