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Carmen's POV:

Her hair was brushed back as she applied her nude lipstick. Her eyebrows were done and her face was slightly contoured. She wore a white dress that flowed unevenly to her knees, on her feet she wore her favorite or rather her only pair of sneakers which were grey and a very light shade of purple. Finally, she stepped back and examined herself.


Non the less, she picked up her bag and soundlessly went down stairs to greet her family.

Her mother, a sophisticated woman with chestnut hair who shared the exact same features as Carmen sat at their dinning table sipping her coffee and reading a copy of 'Romeo and Juliet'.

"Morning mother". Carmen greeted quietly.
Her mother without looking up responded. "How many times have I told you not to wear those awe full shoes to the college?".

"They're comfortable". Carmen said.

"They're inappropriate".

"Mother please". Carmen pleaded.

"Change them". Claudia, Carmen's mother said firmly.

"Okay mother". She sighed.

She turned quietly and went up to her room to get new shoes.

"Troubles with mother?". Greyson, her brother asked as he stood at the entrance of her room. She sighed, walking past him without answering his question.

"Did I not speak to you?". Greyson asked angrily as he held onto her forearm. She looked up at him with all the anger she had in her but when her blue eyes met his cold brown ones, she shied away. His eyes held so much hatred for her, so much anger. She was scared.

"I'm sorry ". She whispered.

Greyson laughed, he laughed at how cowardly she was, he laughed at how weak she was, he laughed at the pain he knew she felt.


She held her bag tightly as she walked quietly to class. She was late, all because of Greyson. She frowned as she knew she could do nothing about it.

She let out a breath of relief as she was finally seated in her poetry class. Although she knew her teacher, Mrs joe was staring angrily at her, she couldn't bring herself to look up and apologize for being late, instead she looked down at her hands as she peeled the remanent of her two weeks old nail polish off her nails.

"Okay class, as we were-" was all Carmen heard before she zoned out into her land of the unknown.

"Carmen". She heard a voice say from behind her. It was a females voice, soft and quiet. She knew who it was, it was her best friend Olivia.

"Yes?". Carmen whispered.

"What's wrong?". Asked Olivia with concern.

"Nothing, I'm just tired, I didn't sleep well". She lied. Although Olivia knew how Carmen was being treated at home, Carmen knew if she told Olivia what had happened in the morning, her best friend would blow it out of proportion.

"Why?". Olivia questioned her.

"Netflix". Carmen said simply before turning back to the ongoing lesson.

"What show?". Olivia asked annoyingly. Although Carmen loved Olivia, she found her very annoying at times.

"End of the fucking world". Carmen replied.

"Love that show".

"Yeah me too".


"I hate myself". Carmen complained to Olivia as they sat in Olivia's car. School had ended an hour ago but they sat in her car to talk.
But in an actual fact, Carmen just didn't want to go back home.

" Carmen, you're beautiful, smart, the literal definition of perfection. What is there to hate?". Olivia asked although she already knew the answer.

"Exactly, I don't want to be perfect, I don't want to be my mother. I don't want to be stereotyped by the society as the perfect blond girl next door. I just want to be my own version of myself not the one everyone's forcing me to be".

"Then do it". Olivia said simply.

"Do what?". Carmen asked in confusion.

"Be yourself, fuck the society, fuck your mother. Be the best version of whoever you want to be, it's not their lives to control.. it's yours".

"But I can't". Carmen sighed. "My mom, she's killing me".

She could taste salty tears but she felt nothing. She was numb of the pain, numb of the anger. She was numb of life.

"She's killing me and she doesn't even know....and I'm letting her".

"Maybe I do want to die, maybe I should" she shrugged.

"I think I should take you home". Olivia whispered.

"Yeah, I think you should".

The car ride was silent, they both had nothing to say to each other. Carmen knew Olivia was scared, she knew Olivia was scared because she thought Carmen would actually do what she had suggested. She thought Carmen would kill herself.

"Olivia, I'm not suicidal". Carmen finally let out as the car came to a halt.

"Then why would you say that?". Olivia asked, her voice thick with emotion and eyes glazed with tears.

"I'm sorry, I was lost in the moment. I promise you, I'm not suicidal". Carmen promised.

"I believe you".

They hugged and said their goodbyes before Carmen got out of the car letting Olivia drive off.

She walked slowly as if contemplating even going home at all. Did she need to go home?. They didn't want her anyways, she could stay with Olivia or her grandparents who lived only twenty minutes away.

She sighed sadly knowing that those were only dreams and she could never leave, no matter how bad it got.

"Hey". She heard a soft male voice say. She turned hesitantly facing the bearer of the voice.

She gasped in surprise.


He smiled." Hey Carmen".


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