The Party

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I showed up to Jade's house around three in the afternoon on Saturday. Rowan's bike was parked outside the garage and I pulled up behind it – thought about accidentally hitting it, but considered the outcomes. Even though Jade took my side and defended me at times, she strangely would side with Rowan at times.

When Jade answered the door, she had a small smile on her face. I tried to mirror her expression, but a large grin peeped through my lips. As I stepped in, she hugged me, but I could see Rowan walking up behind her. As she stepped away to close the door, Rowan came up and wrapped his arm around my neck in a mocking hug. He nudged my forehead with his free fist and said, "Ah, Linnea is here? I thought you said no kids allowed, Jade? That's why Jared is at his granny's."

"Ah, cut it out, Rowan," Jade said with a roll of her eyes. I pushed away from him and he smirked. The two of them headed to the kitchen, but I went to use the bathroom. What was I doing here? I'd had a certain boost of confidence from my little pep talk with Sienna a few days before, but honestly, what would ever change? Rowan would always be there.

When I came out, the two of them were in the kitchen laughing. Jade sat up on her counter with a blunt at her lips while Rowan stood close laughing. He had one in his fingers down by his side and I could see smoke leaving his lips.

As he heard me approaching, he glanced over his shoulder, took one more hit, before heading out to the garage. Rowan bumped past me dramatically, but I ignored him and hopped up on the counter beside Jade. "So is this what kind of party this is going to be?" I asked her.

Jade smiled at me, breathed in another breath of smoke, and then breathed it out in my face. "You know I hate that smell," I said as I forced a weird smile. I couldn't be mad at her, even though I probably would've snapped at anyone else for doing it at me.

She winked at me and then held her fingers up to my lips. I glanced down at the rolled paper and weed between her fingers and murmured, "the things I do for you." I put my lips to the little blunt that was almost gone and breathed in. It burned the back of my throat, and I let it out quickly.

Jade sneered, "that's a start."

It wasn't long before Rowan came back in, this time with a beer in his hand. "Well can the kid drink?" he asked the question directed to Jade, "If so, there's beers in the cooler out there," he said nodding his head back towards the garage, "the boys are bringing the good stuff later."

"I'm good," I told him quietly. Rowan shrugged, "suit yourself."

He stalked over to the couch and plopped down. He had on a striped tank-top that fit his shape. I noticed he liked to wear things that showed off his arms I guess to impress Jade or whoever else. He had a clean haircut and what looked like new shoes on his feet. Maybe he was expecting someone special – oh wait, he was at her house.

"You know he doesn't know right?" Jade asked murmured as she slid off the counter.

"Know what?" I whispered.

She hit her blunt one last time before tossing it into the sink. "About your little crush on me," she told me as she came up to stand between my legs.

I looked over at Rowan who wasn't paying us any attention, "Oh, you mean about your little interest in me? He suspects I'm into you," I chuckled quietly. Jade raised a brow and smirked. She stood up on her toes to plant a kiss just shy of my lips before sauntering away. She always did that – my cheek, or right next to my lips, but never smack on.

"Come on, let's get ready." I followed her past Rowan in the living room and back into her room. I'd showered before I came so I didn't need to change, but Jade showered while I was there. She did my hair and painted my nails. "Do you ever paint your nails?" she asked as she finished up my second hand.

I shrugged, "Not often. I don't even know what color it is. I mean sometimes I try to match the pretty shade of grey I wear," I sort of laughed sarcastically.

"Okay, smartass," Jade snorted. "You have pretty hands, that's why I asked." I glanced at my hand; there was nothing special about it, but I just took the compliment. I watched her quietly finish my nails and then begin to add a clear coat. Her eyelashes were long and I noticed that she sort of bit her jaw as she concentrated.

Jade put on ruffled blouse and some light-colored jeans that hugged her waist pretty comfortably. For once, her top didn't expose her boobs, but I must admit, I liked the view on a regular.

After about an hour, we headed back out and another guy was there talking to Rowan. Jade walked over and hugged him and they immediately immersed in conversation. I didn't bother trying to step in where I didn't fit in, so I just wandered over to the kitchen to grab an apple. I hoped the entire evening wouldn't be like that.

So I tried to stay optimistic. It was about nine people who came over total. Rowan grilled and had gone out and bought chips and juice for the drinks. And Jade made her wacos that were to die for, but I tried not to be greedy.

Most of the people who came knew Jade so she was entertaining. I just sat on the couch mostly, listening to the music, watching everyone, and sipping on the punch Rowan had made which, I had to give it to him, was kind of good. More than anything, I watched Jade despite my loneliness.

As the sun set outside, the colors begin to play with my eyes. It was new color this time; the sky didn't look like it usually did when it'd flash into color throughout the day. It was a warm color, and it darkened the closer it was to the sun to an almost variation of Rowan's bike. After a couple of moments of staring outside, Jade came and plopped down next to me. "Wooh," she breathed as she sat back in the sofa, "my feet hurt. Will you give me a massage later?"

The colors vanished, but it was okay; they were coming more frequently now. "Sure, anything for you, Jade."

She grinned and was about to speak before she was being jerked to her feet. I looked up to see Rowan grabbing her from behind and pulling her towards him. "Yeah, you know Jade thinks she's all into women now, but she still knows that good stroke is waiting for her," her best friend laughed drunkly as he held her close to him. He was holding her and pressing his pelvis to her butt.

Jade sort of fake laughed quietly as she tried to get away from him. He loosened his grip and she flung back beside me. "Aye, is that her new bitch?" one of his friends asked pointing his cup in my direction. Little nervous me probably looked like a deer caught in headlights as all attention was turned to me.

Rowan snorted, "Dude, no. She's not even legal – barely. She's like twenty or some shit. She's just Jade's little secretary at The Block."

All of their friends kind of looked at me and laughed, and then Rowan and the rest continued whatever they were talking about. I could feel my face flush with embarrassment, but I don't think anyone noticed – well, except Jade. "I'm sorry," she murmured.

I shrugged my eyebrows, "its fine," I muttered before sipping on the juice in my cup. Jade didn't say anything. Instead she just scooted a little closer and rested her head on my shoulder. It was almost a surprise, but I didn't comment or question it; hell, I thought I may never get another moment like that.

The moment didn't last long though. Jade was a clean freak, so she felt compelled to clean as people messed up her house. Anytime Rowan came near, he would give me a nasty glance or roll his eyes. As the evening passed on and people sobered up, Rowan's little kickback began to wind down. People were heading out, so I slipped outside to the patio where it was quiet.

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