Achievements and Confessions

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One week after enrolling

I walk into homeroom and all eyes were on me.

"Oh my, isn't that the new girl?" One said

"Ugh, I can't believe she's already one of the most popular girls at school!" Another whisper

"No way, Seohyun is so much better." And so on

I shrug it off, not really caring. Though I wasn't really for the popular scene, a little gossip won't hurt me.

I pull a piece of gum out my bag and pop it in my mouth as I sit next to Taehyung.

He was leaned against the wall behind his desk, eyes closed. The moment I put my stuff on my desk, he starts to lightly snore. Unfortunately (for him), I was smart enough to know he was messing around.

I sit down and lean close to him.

"Taehyung, I have some news"

I poked him once and he didn't move.

"Tae-Tae, I know you are awake. No one just suddenly snores."

He doesn't respond, so I take a deep breath in and try my best Aegyo.

"Oppa," I say with my voice three octaves higher, "Oppa, wake up!"

I poke him again dramatically and I see a sly smirk grow on his face and I push him hard, almost knocking him out his seat.

"You bastard," I mumble, laughing and he gives me a confused look, only to give in and start laughing as well.

"What did you have to tell me?" He says, now "fully awake".

"I'll tell you later, on the trail today," I respond. Wanting to leave him unsatisfied, I walk over to Jungkook, who seemed to be doing homework.

I sit next to him and lean over his shoulder. Either he didn't notice me or tried not to, but his eyes were glued to that paper.

"Calculus?" I say and he jumps a little, snapping his head in my direction. Me being too close, when he did turn his head, our faces were only a few inches apart.

I watch as his face reddens as he tries not to focus on my eyes and just to test his adorableness, even more

"Never been this close to a girl?" I tease. I watch a few more moment as his eyes flicker between my lips and eyes, causing him to blush even more.

I lean back and smile goofily. He stares at me in shock (maybe from embarrassment?) and I reach out ruffle his hair.

"Just kidding, Kookie. By the way, I pretty good at it." I point to the paper and his raises his eyebrows. I could tell by the dark circles under his eyes that he stayed up late working on it.

"Really, this has been the death of me! How can anyone be good at this?" He says, recovering from the shock of a girl's presence. So much for not being afraid of girls...

"It can't be that hard," I reassure him, glancing at the paper, "I took it back in America. I could tutor you if you want."

His lit up as if I told him he won a million dollars.

Giving him a knowing smile, he tries to hide his excitement and says,

"I mean that would be great and all, but I can handle it."

I look at the paper again and smirk.

"Are you sure about that? You know suppose to find 'x' right, not cross it out." I joke and he surrenders.

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