Marvel OC #11

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Name: Samirah Mason
Age: 15
Gender: female
Parents: Jack Mason and Sarah Mason  (Rodgers)
Sexuality: straight
Appearance: Samirah is short, standing at 5'0. With strawberry blond hair reaching down to her shoulder blades and lake green eyes. With an angular jaw line and a long bent nose with a short tip. It's obvious her nose has been broken before, but the fact that her arms and legs are skin and bones, dispels the idea that she seeks fights. She has full lips and wide eyes. With only slightly bushy eyebrows, Samirah could be a beautiful girl, if she took care of herself. Samirah has a bad habit of neglecting to wash her hair or face or anything remotely similar. She has long nimble fingers, and a birth defect where her ribs go to far inward and it hurts her when she breaths to heavily.
Personality: Samirah is a kind person, standing up for those that were bullied and shunned. Although that has made her a target for others. She loves to climb, and prefers the dark. Reading is her favorite past time. Besides this, Samirah is smart, cunning, and strategic. Though more street smart than anything
Backstory: Her great grandmother was the sister to Steve Rodgers' mother. She grew up with many of the core values that Steve did. Thankfully she did not have asthma, but at thirteen, she was in a fatal car accident. Both her parents died and she was taken in by her aunt on her father's side. Having to move to New York from Kingsland, England was a large and difficult step, and her nationality and accent set her even more apart. Although that would normally be in a positive way, the fact that she already was getting bullied there pushed it to be a negative thing. Samirah was grief stricken and rarely spoke to anyone. She only had one true friend, a boy name Charles Nelson. He was tallish, with brown hair and blue eyes.
Other: her ribs are curved to far inwards, digging into her lungs.

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