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Name: Chaos Raven

Gender: female

Sexuality: Ace

Species: it's unknown even in the fandom. People typically say she's a demon or monster. 

Powers: She can make neon blue fire. She also has two huge black wings with neon blue tips on her flight feathers. The blue tips can sharpen to become like knives when she feels threatened. Chaos also wears a blindfold over two empty eye sockets. Except the sockets are glowing the same neon blue through the cloth. Supposedly, horrible things happen when she removes the blindfold, but no one in that fandom knows what will happen. Whether this is true or not, the fandom knows that it at least grants her excellent vision in the dark.

Role: Guest

Appearance: Chaos is short, with tanned skin and neon blue hair cut to this kind of design.

The neon blue hair is only the long part though

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

The neon blue hair is only the long part though. The roots and short hair, is a dark black. Chaos Also has two huge black wings and a blindfold like I mentioned above. Her finger's have claws on them (A fan made thing that took off into something much larger.) And she has fangs, which was actually cannon. She also has long elf like ears. (a little longer than half a foot. So about seven inches.) This was another fan made edit that kinda took off. To get around these ears, she has two long but thin holes in her blindfolds that can slip over her ears so as not to cover the ear and make hearing difficult. The blindfold ties in the back with several tight knots that have never been undone. They couldn't be undone with hands either, the knots are that tight. She also has the unnerving ability to smile in a way that shows too many teeth.


> pos traits = italics

>neutral traits=underlined

>neg traits= bold

Chaos is extremely loyal to those that gain her trust (1), but she doesn't trust easily (1), and trust can be easily lost (2). She hates it when people break promises(1), and tends to react vengefully to those people(2). She also drives most people away with her threats of stabbing them (3). Chaos either acts like a large child(2), or a psychotic murderer, with a little room in between(3). Though she prefers mind games and psychological torture to actually harming people physically. Chaos is a bit of a pyromaniac and has a near obsession with knives. She also loves chaos, as her name suggests. Despite her threats and apparent madness, she is actually relatively sane, and knows when to hold back (3).

>Dreams/Ambitions: She doesn't really have any, other than to cause chaos and have fun.

>fears: probably of finding out she's the villain, not that anyone else would know this. She keeps that thought hidden away under all the nightmarish things she has done and seen. She knows she no hero, but doesn't want to be the actual villain. She sees herself as more of an Antihero (Ironically).

>habits: Chaos's wings express her emotions more than she would like. Though they often move to make her look larger, or to curl in a threatening way or something. Her ears also twitch when she is focusing intently. She also likes to twirl a knife in her fingers when she thinks, or when she's bored.

>Hobbies: She doesn't really have many hobbies. She loves to fly, and she also loves to fight.

>Reason for staying: Mainly because of her appearance.

Fandom she's from: The YouTube Ego fandom. Her character is based heavily off Thanatos from Greek mythology, and Antisepticeye. The actual YouTuber is called Azrael-the-raven, though the person's actual name is Emma Muller. The wings and all those effects were originally homemade cosplays that Emma made for this "character" She likes doing cosplays as much as her lets play videos, so figuring out how to get the wings to move and the the sockets behind the blindfold to glow and all that was a fun challenge. Then the community developed it into an actual character in the fandom. (Basically, the fan community has as large a sway over what she looks like as the actual creator. This is because the creator will often see these ideas and end up using them.)

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jun 14, 2019 ⏰

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