SuperWhoLock OC

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Name: Samirah Bloodwood

Nickname: Mirah

Age: 28

Species: human (mostly. The alien part is so small that it doesn't matter besides looks.

Occupation: she's a hunter, but sells hand made things in her spare time. Like the hand made Nordic female knives she makes.

Likes: the dark (unless she's hunting something that can see perfectly in the dark), doing active stuff, making things, using her brain, reading, drawing, running, smart people, kind people,

Dislikes: bright lights, being lazy and having nothing to do, killing innocent people, people that kill innocents, stupid people, rude people, most supernatural things

Flaws: Samirah often cares to much, she puts her whole heart into caring for someone, so when they hurt her, it feels a thousand times worse. Besides this, sudden bright lights hurt her eyes (her pupils are always extremely dilated, so she can see almost unnaturally well in the dark, but bright lights hurt her eyes. Even sunlight hurts them a little.) She will also put herself in harms way without a thought of the danger to herself to save others if she can, if her friends or family are in danger, she becomes irrational

Strengths: her friends and family, while they can also be her weakness, they also can make her stronger, her mind, and her ability to see well in the dark.

Past: Samirah grew up a Hunter, learning of the supernatural from her mother and of the aliens from her father, who was one. (Although he still looked human and was mostly human, he just had gold eyes and naturally blue hair.) She learned how to fight both, but also how to reason with the aliens. She always tried to give people a chance. Anyway, at nineteen, her father was killed by another human. They never found the killer. Mirah went on to hunt, and take online college courses.

Family: Lily her human mother, and James, her mostly but not fully human father


Short, standing at 5'0

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Short, standing at 5'0. With long lanky legs and arms. (If not gold eyes them green) a stubby nose, full lips, and almond shaped eyes.

Alignment: good

Personality: kind, caring, smart, strategic, gentle.

Weapon of choice: as a specific weapon, her her tomahawk and long knife, over all, her whole hunting arsenal.

Other: has ADHD, and the dilated pupil thing I mentioned above.

My OC book. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz