seventeen - bbh

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I brought the cup to my lips, the warm coffee running down my throat. My thumb moved across my phone screen, scrolling through random stuff. I was enjoying my rare break, the manager was nice enough to give me one.


Jongdae swung the door open to the back room, where I was peacefully sitting at one of the plastic chairs that surrounded the table.

"Yeah?" I replied, turning my head to look at him.

"Gosh, the manager extended my hours again! Now I have to stay here until 10pm!" he pouted taking a seat across from me. "What an asshole." he huffed, crossing his arms and leaning back.

I took a glance at the time on my phone screen - it was only 7:25pm.

"Hm." I hummed. "You shouldn't act like a troll all the time you'll get fired."

"Well it's just my nature. I'm pretty lucky that I wasn't fired already. That's the only amount of mercy in that man."

Jongdae shifted in his seat.

"Why are you drinking coffee right now?" he curiously asked.

I sighed in reply. "I'm tired. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Did you and Chanyeol stay up fucking again?"

I restrained myself from chucking my phone at him.

Around 8pm, I headed out of the retail shop and into the parking lot. I got into the car and started the route home.

When I entered the house, I was greeted with Jongin and Sehun stuffing their faces at the dining table while Kyungsoo was cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Baekhyun, are you hungry?" Kyungsoo asked and I passed by, intending to go upstairs.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute." I responded, jogging up the steps. My fingers pressed the button on the wall and the lights engulfing the bedroom. I walked towards the bed,intending to face plant like I usually do, but there was someone lying there already.

"Chanyeol?" I asked, my eyes laying on his sleeping face.

He was sleeping. At this hour?

I placed my hand on his forehead. No fever.

I shrugged and changed out of my work clothes. I went back downstairs to eat.

"Why is Chanyeol sleeping?" I questioned, sitting down to join Jongin and Sehun.

"Wait, I thought he was still at work." Jongin replied through his stuffed cheeks.

"He's asleep in our room. He's not sick or anything." I said.

After I finished eating I went back to go check on him. He was still sound asleep, his cheek buried into the pillow. I stood there for a second to admire his sleeping being.

I spent the rest of the evening downstairs, conversing with the others about random things.

By 11pm, everyone was heading upstairs to go to bed. I was still full of energy, the caffeine was still lurking in my system. Feeling no sign of tiredness whatsoever, I still got ready for bed.

I slipped under the covers next to Chanyeol, who was still off in dreamland. I haven't talked to him since this morning and I just wanted to hear his voice.

I let out a sigh as I stared up at the dark ceiling, before shutting my eyes. I tried to fall asleep multiple times, twisting and turning in all directions, but that damn caffeine was still running strong.

Chanyeol turned to face towards me, laying on his side, his arm spalled out on the sheets. I decided to use to my advantage.

I gently lifted his arm and tucked my head under it, snuggling up against his chest. His sweet scent wafted through my nose.


My eyes snapped up to meet half lidded ones.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" I whispered.

He shook his head slightly, indicating a no.

"I can't sleep." I pouted. "For some reason I decided to drink a coffee at night."

"Well that's your fault." he replied, quiet and raspy, but also kinda sexy.

I lightly hit his shoulder.

"You haven't seen me since this morning." I remarked. "And the first thing you do is remind me that I'm an idiot."

"Yes." he softly giggled, still half asleep.

"By the way, why did you go to sleep so early?"

"I took a sleeping pill instead of my seasonal allergy medicine this morning."


"Like you're one to talk."

Yixing flew to Korea to support CBX :')

Also sorry for the lack of updates school has been an asshole lately 

Caramel // chanbaek drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now