Fuckboi Troubles pt3

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             Some days had passed since the whole Rodney situation. Since then Erik and I haven't talked about what we were going to make of this. I was stupid to think he would actually do right. When did I become this weak ass girl? While I was debating if I wanted to get up or not my phone started ringing.

"I'm not in the mood right now Nic." "Bitch get up I'm sick of this I'm so depressed shit. Yo ass is gone love me forever after I tell you who just asked about you." I get up to go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I wasn't really listening to Nicki.

"Who did you see Nic?" "I saw Marcus bitch and he asked for your number." I almost choked on this toothpaste. I can't believe he was back, I wonder what made him come back. "Girl do you hear me like damn I mention Marcus and yo ass gone. Anyways I was just calling to tell you that if an unknown number calls that it's most likely him, bye I'm at work now."

Damn she didn't have to hang up like that. She didn't even tell me where she saw him at, like damn she didn't give any type of details. As I was walking down the hallway I saw that Erik's door was closed. Which means he's probably still sleeping not like I cared though.

My phone started to ring again when I reached the kitchen. I answered it without looking at who was calling, "Whats up?" " Damn is that how you answer the phone?" I pause for a minute, " I do when I haven't heard from the person in forever." I lean against the counter listening to him laugh. " How about I take you out to make up for all the time we didn't talk then?"

I was about to say I'll think about it but I stopped. I'm sick of moping around all depressed and shit for a nigga that obviously doesn't give a fuck. "You owe me more than one date Marcus, but I guess one is good for now." He laughs again before saying, "I see you still bossy as hell, but that's not the only reason I was calling. I actually wanted to ask you about something I heard."

When I say my heart fucking fell; I felt it beating in my stomach. What could he want to ask me? I feel like it has something to do with Erik, I just know it. "Yea, what did you wanna ask me?" He let out a long sigh before saying, "Is it true that your ex still lives with you?"

Who the fuck then told him about Erik? Ain't no way in hell it got around to him that fucking fast. "I mean yea but that's only because he paid the rent for this month and he's being petty. Who told you that though?" I heard a door opening in the hallway, but I was too busy trying to find out who opened they big ass mouth.

"Well when I got here I ran into Katlyn at the store and she told me." I knew it had to be that snaggletoothed bitch, she the only one that tells everybody business but her own. "You should've told her to mind her own damn business, ha loud ass always in some mess."

I was about to say something else but I felt somebody staring at me so I turned around and damn near had a stroke. I looked back in the kitchen to make sure I'm not just seeing shit; I just know I didn't see no naked ass girl in my living-room looking at me like I don't belong.

"Marcus let me call you back I gotta check something real quick." I say hanging up before hearing his reply. I turn back towards the living room and the bitch is still just standing there. Like damn do you have no shame or class. "Can I ask why you are butt ass naked in my apartment?"

This bitch had the nerve the audacity to get this stank ass look on ha face and say, "Yo apartment E said this is his place." "How did I get in then you goofy bitch, what did I climb through a window?" I walk past her to go knock Erik upside his damn head, but I stop myself.

Why am I putting myself through this? I go in his room we're going to fight, yell, and argue. Then what he goes and does the same thing over and just starts the cycle over again. I turn back towards the girl, "Don't worry we ain't together if you're staying tell him I'm going out." I go to get my keys, phone, and to lock the door. As I'm leaving my phone starts to ring, I look down to answer it, "Hey Marcus are you free right now?"

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