Ch.11 His Warmth (18+)

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Hak was carrying Yona through the empty hallways. Everything was silent, only their figures could be seen in the moonlight. Yona was resting her head on Hak's shoulders, enjoying the silence that surrounded them, enjoying having the embrace that this man was giving her, carrying her all so gently. Her eye lids were slowly becoming heavy but she was afraid of falling asleep because the memories of what just happened moments ago was bugging her.

She knew that Zong Yong had no ill intentions towards her (A/N: Oh Yona, you couldn't have been more wrong) or would have no reason too but she couldn't help but gain an eerie feeling from him. She couldn't help but think that she would no longer be able to view him the same way as before because of his actions. Remembering his evil grin and his tight grip on her wrist sent chills through out her body, causing her grip around Hak's neck to tightened and her body becoming tense once more.

Hak isn't a fool to not notice that Yona had tightened her grip on him and her body had become tense. Of course he was worried but he first wanted to take her somewhere she would feel safe enough away from Zong Yong. Remembering the hand marks on her hands was still imprinted in his mind, causing him to have the urge to punch the man until his face became completely deformed. Hak let out a light sigh, knowing that he just can't hit the man out of no where without possible cause. It he did, then everything afterwards would become a hassle and then he would also have to deal with Yoon's nagging which he really didn't want to experience again. 

He the look down at Yona who was attempting to fight the sleepiness that was visible on her face. "Princess" He called her since they were alone  "Please close your eyes, if your tired" 

Yona quickly shaken her head side to side while saying " No, I don't want to sleep just yet...I'm not tired"

Hak couldn't help but find her stubbornness cute. "Princess, please relax...I'm here with you, so nothings going to happen all right?" He said to her as he stopped walking so he could properly look down at her without having to bump into something.

Yona looks up at him sheepishly. "Hak, I'm just-" She pauses while looking at him but then continues "I'm just still thinking about what just happened and I" She then looks down while sighing. Hak's tightens his grip on Yona lightly in order to reassure her that everything was all right. 

"Well, I'm here isn't that enough for you?" Those words left Hak's mouth without him even reliazing but he noticed it too late as Yona suddenly looks back up at him with her cheeks having slight tint of pink on them. Hak played it off with a poker face, hoping that she didn't notice that he was surprised by his own choice of words.

Yona smiled at him after properly processing his words causing Hak's heart to flutter "Yes, your right....." Yona tightens her grip around his neck a little more and then leans her head on Hak's shoulder once more "You being here has always been enough for me Hak" She tells him while still smiling brightly.

*Damn, stop doing this to me much longer must I withstand this torcher?* Hak thought to himself

Hak didn't reply back but continued walking trying to calm his racing heart, Yona didn't notice how fast his heart was beating because her own heart was beating just as fast as his. They soon reach Yona's room, Hak kicks the door open lightly still holding her bridal style but then turns around and closes the doors with his feet once more. 

The room itself had a nice relaxing atmosphere, it only held simple furniture and the carvings on the walls were just flower designs from the top to bottom of the walls. Hak then walks through a separate section of the room where its covered by  a paper screen with cranes surrounded with flower tiles are doctored into it, burgundy curtains tied to the side columns. 

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