March 3rd, 2014

29 0 0

Hey guys this is my second diary entry this one will be longer tho.(: i have tweeted Taylor only a gazillion times today, all for a follow. Although to have no favorite if I had to chose I would probably chose Taylor. I'm currently checking my "tweetails" and listening to Kid Cudi. I need to tweet more to Taylor. Tbh I need to tweet more in general.



-back to diary


Songs have switched fast. Time is flying rn. I'm listening to "Sexy Can I" by Ray J. And going through twitter feed. Tbh 90% of it is spam. I got a notification that startled me I went to the page and it was real, I screamed. Not for no reason. But bc Cam followed, tweeted and dm'd me.

The tweet said "@------------- check yo' dm's"

There was not one, but 3.

I read


It's cam obviously(: your reading this probably thinking 'is this a scam' well it's not. I'm Cameron Dallas and I am inviting..."

"You to come on tour with us none of the boys or Mahogany know. So SH. Btw 4 boys of Magcon like you(; You'll eventually know when you.."

"Walk on our bus. I will meet you at the Columbus, OH airport tomorrow. You're welcome. Love you bby girl😘"

Compared to how I reacted after I read this before I was calm now I'm losing it. I'm emotionally unstable in a good way. My depression and blades flew out the window and reality flew in wacked me a few times, grabbed a need full if forever happy medicine and inserted joy into me like they do for chicken pix or whatever. I never new this would happen. Still can't believe it is.

Thanks for reading<3 It will take a week or so for another update so stay patient. (; love you guys(:

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