Lizzie Lupin

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Some characters belong to J.K. Rowling but some to me


Chapter 1

"I got my letter I got my letter"my hair turned bright pink

"Elizabeth Primrose Lupin NO YELLING IS THE HOUSE"Dad yelled. Mom smirked

"Lizzie got her letter Lizzie got her letter"mom yelled her hair also turning strawberry pink

"Tonks don't make a bad example!"dad said"and no yelling in the house"

"but you yelled in the house" there mom got him now

"Lizzie go get ready we're going to Diagon Alley"and with that he left the room

"hahahahahahahaha!"mom and me were rolling on the floor laughing "You really got him mom"
"Yah I did" I left the room with mom still laughing.

I pulled out my phone and texted Ginny 'Got into Hogwarts you'

Ding she responded instantly o

'Yup going to the Alley now'

'great me to see you there'



I pulled my hair into a high ponytail not that it matters my hair is to my hips anyway so now it's at my elbow level.
Suddenly my hair turns silvery blonde "Ugh Veela reflexes again" my mom is veela and she can also change her appearance,so can I.
I'm part Veela part change my appearance ugh I'm just gonna call it that. I changed my hair to its normal milk chocolate brown color,and got into jean short cutoffs and a cute purple Tank-top with little white flowers around the neck line I also put on super cute purple Toms. I'm ready I call to my parent walking over to our brick fireplace, my dad hands me some floo powder and then goes in before me I walk in and yell "Diagon Alley"

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