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We arrived at platform nine-and-three-quarters and I saw Ginny

"Ginny,Ginny,Ginny,"I yelled running over to her


She ran over to me and trapped me in a death hug

"Are you reAdy for Hogwarts?" She asked me with a questioning look

"Yup I think so" oh I sure love Ginny As a friend.

I looked back and saw mom and dad heavily discussing something

"Mom,Dad are you guys ok?"

They took a sideways glance at each other

"We are fine Elizabeth" dad said calmly

Oh no they called me by my full name "something's up"

"No Elizabeth don't worry about it now professor Dumbledore has it worked out"

******Ginny's pov******

We walked for ever and we couldn't find any compartments on the train. But we found one but it was FULL OF MY FAMILY.

I knocked on the door in shame"Would you guys mind if we sit here?every else is full"

"Well no"they all said getting grins so I showed them Lizzie

*****Harry,Fred,George and Ron's Pov*****

We were all talking about Gilderoy Lockhart and how all the girls fancy him when Ginny knocked on the door she asked if she could 'sit' with us.

We played a joke but then oh then she stepped aside and the most beautiful girl stood there in the doorway.

"Oh. Ginny I saw a compartment that had some slytherin that might let us sit with then." The girl said sadly

So they start to leave but "Ginny we were just kidding"we said in unison

"Oh we'll in that case, Lizzie we can stay"

"Thank you so much boys"Lizzie said gently

So Lizzie is her name

*****Fred''s Pov*****

The girls walk in and Ginny was going to sit by me. I COULDN'T THAT HAPPEN!

"Ginny there is a spot by harry" I smirked

Ginny sat by Harry. He made a pouty face

"Lizzie you can sit here if you want."I patted the seat next to me

"Sure thanks George"she sat down next to ME

"Lizzie I'm Geo-"I cut of George

"Fred that's Fred"

Her and Ginny start a conversation about what they did this summer.

****At Hogwarts 3rd person view****

Jeff Alana


Aman Hannah


Doodle Danny


Fullen John


Gray Branden


Kalinin Lily


They went through the list but skipped the L's

They got to the second last name

Weasley Ginny

"Another Wesley well this is obvious GRYFFINDOR!"

Professor McGonagall's face turned white

"Elizabeth Lupin"

******Lizzie's Pov******

I was called but it wasn't normal. All the teachers gasped

They placed the the hat on my head and the hat said

"Elizabeth Primrose Lupin" the hat said

"Yes"I whispered

The hat started to sing

"Lizzie Lizzie my very best friend

For you have put me on your head

I will tell you a tale of you

Wonderful things will come true

For you are not normal

Veela metamorfic pasiltounge to

Change into a Phoenix only you

What a wonderful thing to do

You will go into a house

That best suites you but which one

Shall I choose





You will go in


The hat finished and grew over me I could fell myself changing into veela and them the hat disippered with me still inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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