The secrete place in the Glade

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2 years later

„Are you coming Thomas? We got to be fast today, there's a lot to explore.", Minho said to him as they were about to enter the maze.
„Do you think were gonna find anything?", he responded. „We have to, more people got stung."
„I wanna come with you."
Minho and Thomas turned suprised as they heared Newt say that.
„Newt you're not a Runner. You can't come with us.", Minho replyed.
„I know but I was once, I know the maze and right now you need all the help you can get."
„You can't run with you limp, Newt."
„Minho I'm faster than you think and I'm coming if you like it or not."
„Fine than, hurry."

The three of them ran into the maze. But after some time Newt got really tired. „Guys I'm sorry but can we please take a break?"
„Fine, but next time you're not coming, got it?", said Minho a little anoyed.

Newt sat down, as he did that, he pushed a rock into the wall, which opend a door on his left.
„What the klunk is that?", Thomas said.
As they took a closer look they dicided that they had to go in. „I can't get through it!", Minho said. „Me neither!", Thomas said while trying really hard. „Gues you're happy now that I came with.", Newt said with a huge smile on his face. Newt was much smaller that the other guys and could fit in easily.
„Just be careful there, and don't go to far!"
„Don't worry, I won't."

Newt looked around him and discriped the guys what he saw. „It looks kind of like the Glade, just smaller. I don't think that anyone has ever been here. Wait I see something there."
„Newt come back, you don't know what's out there."
Newt went deeper in the place, he wanted to know more about it. He thought they might had found somthing big.
„Newt what is going on!"

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