Chapter twenty six

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Namjoon's POV

I finally get Jin out of the hospital and drive him home. Then I drive back to hospital and take Jin's place. I lean over him and kiss my baby on forehead.

"Hi baby, daddy couldn't be here because mama doesn't let him."

I sit down on the chair and looked around the room. It is full of plushies and on nightstand is stack of fairy tales books. I take one and read. It is Charlie and the chocolate factory. Besides my reading the only sound in the room is beeping of the machines around him. Nurse checks him every two hours. Short after midnight I fall asleep. Sleeping in the chair is killing me and in the morning Yoongi brings me breakfast and check Taehyung.

"It is going to be okay Joon, he is just resting after such exhausted surgery."

He pats my back encouragingly and leave. Nurse brings bowl of warm water and washcloth.

"Sir do you want to wash him? Your partner always did it."

I take the washcloth from her and gently wash him. The nurse shows me how to do it without disconnecting the wires and tubes. It feels so weird. Normally Tae is happy during bath time but this is like washing corpse. His beauty is scary because he looks like porcelain doll, lifeless but beautiful. I am glad that the nurse left because now I don't have to hold my wails.

"Baby boy you need to wake up. You are scaring mama and daddy."

When it is done I dress him again and tuck him under blanket. I put few plushies around him and comb his hair out of his face. I sit down again and turn on the TV in room on some cartoons. I pull out my notebook and do some work. After two hours I am done and Yoongi comes for another check up. Then he shows me how to stretch Tae's limbs. I am gently exercising with his arms and legs. I am little bit mischievous and start to tickle his ribs.

"If you don't wake up baby the tickle monster will get you."

You can't imagine how fucking big is my surprise when Taehyung giggles and slowly opens his eyes. Our eyes meet and he smiled at me.


I can't believe it! Tae is finally awake! I quickly press the button to call nurse and she calls Yoongi. Then I call Hoseok to bring Jin. Yoongi examined Tae and said that everything looks fine. Jin ran in the room and cradles Tae close to his chest.

"Mama left and you suddenly wake up?"

Tae is crying too but I think that it is because his mama is crying. After few minutes Tae yawned and Jin tucked him in bed again. Yoongi explained that Tae will be very tired for next few weeks because his body has to get used to being awake. We leave his room and go to cafeteria. Before we get there Jin fall on his knees and put his face in palms.

"It is all my fault!"

He is screaming and people are looking at us.

"Love it wasn't you fault. And Tae is okay."

I help him back on feet and lead him in near bathroom. I wash his face and pat his back to calm him down.

"Are you calm now?"

Seokjin nods and sniffled for last time.

"Okay lets go for coffee."

We buy the coffee and go back. Yoongi said that we can take Tae back home in few days if every test will have good results. Jin spends every day in hospital with Tae even if he is awake just for short time. I have to bring Jimin after work so we can spend time like a family and Jimin can cuddle with his little brother. After four days we can take Tae home but we have to be careful. The injury cause terrible headache to him so we get painkillers and Yoongi has few advices how to deal with the migraine. As first thing when we get home is that we bath Taehyung and Jimin together. It is great to see my three darling laughing. Then we have dinner and tuck our babies in cribs because Tae is too tired. They are alright but I can sense that something is bothering Jin.

Seokjin's POV

My little baby is back at home and I should be happy. I should be but I am not. One question is still laying in my head and doesn't give me peace. I am enjoying that Tae is with us again and he is all right but I don't think if it will last long. Jimin and Taehyung are already sleeping and I am sitting on bed in our bedroom. Namjoon is back from their nursery and hugs me around shoulders.

"Jin I see that something is wrong with you. Tell me."

"What if he doesn't wake up tomorrow?"

Namjoon frowns and kiss me on lips.

"Why he shouldn't wake up? You heard Yoongi, Taehyung is alright and there is nothing to worry about."

I believe to Yoongi but I am still worried about him. Joon tucked me in bed and lays next to me. Soon he is asleep but I cant. After while I get up and quietly go in nursery. I carefully put my hand on Tae's chest and feel how he is breathing calmly. His steady heartbeat helps me to relax and I can finally sleep. Taehyung is okay and nothing is threating him.

Next day we made party for Tae. Hoseok and Yoongi come with Jungkook and Jihoon. Jungkook is now more okay with fact that he has tiny baby brother and even plays with him.

"We are so glad that you are okay Tae."

Hoseok kissed Tae on forehead and hug him tightly.

We sit our boys in playroom and speak about adult things. Jihoon is on terrace with us because he is too small to play with boys. Jihoon is in stroller and sleeps for most of the time.

Soon boys come for snack and Tae almost falls asleep during eating.

"Our little baby gets tired easily."

I get up and carry him to nursery. I changed his diaper and lay him in our king sized bed. Tae immediately snuggles close to my chest and falls asleep. I am stroking his hair and breath his calming sweet scent. I will fight with whole world to protect my small duckling. 

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