Chapter thirty three

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Namjoon's POV

March in Japan is quite warm, but we have clothes for almost every possible kind of weather. We will stay in Japan for two weeks, the first week will be more working for me because I have many meetings and I will monitor the casting of actors because this is too expensive and important movie. So Seokjin is going to be alone with boys. For the first week we will be in Tokyo and then travel around Japan little bit. From the airport, we immediately head to our luxury hotel where we have a presidential apartment. Taehyung fall asleep during the ride, so I carry him on my hip. Yes, few people gave us weird looks, but these fools aren't good reason to wake up my little baby boy. Our apartment is amazing and Jimin immediately sat in front of the huge window and watch night rush in Tokyo. I accidentally woke up Taehyung during a diaper change and he is grumpy because he isn't feeling good after the long flight. I quickly coax him with a pacifier and Seokjin hands me a bottle with warm formula. Taehyung hungrily sucks the milk and I ran the wet washcloth over his body, he is too grumpy for a proper bath. When I am dressing him into onesie he burst into tears. He is holding his ears and repeats that he has an owie.

"I know baby my ears hurt too after such long traveling, but we were flying, like birds. Just close your eyes and tomorrow it will be okay."

I swaddled him with a blanket and lay him down in the middle of the bed because we don't have cribs here, so they will sleep between us. I go to bath Jimin.

"Jimin you have to be quiet now because our small brother is sleeping."

Jimin pressed his finger on his lips and giggled. After the bath we carefully lay down in bed and Tae is fast asleep and we fall asleep fairly quickly too. I need to leave before breakfast and my beauties are still sleeping but I don't forget to kiss them gently on their foreheads.

Seokjin's POV

I woke up with little Taehyung sprawled on my chest. Jimin is cuddled under my arm and drools on my side. I need to use the bathroom, but my babies are so cute when they are sleeping. The warm Taehyung's diaper pressed on my stomach is too much and I need to get up. I slowly move him on side, but I woke him up. He starts to cry because I startled him and he hugs me again.

"Baby, mama needs to pee, just a few seconds."

Taehyung refused so if I don't want to wet my pants I have to take him with me. He is holding my hand and waddles behind me. He doesn't want to leave the bathroom, so I ended up with my baby duckling standing next to me.

"Are you happy now? You are like a puppy, always behind me."

Taehyung nods and I nod too. If my babies are happy I am happy too. When he is already in bathroom I put him in the bathtub and wash him. Then my cute baby ran away from the bathroom and sat on carpet next to Jimin who somehow managed to turn on the TV. They are amazed by colorful anime and bizarre commercials. I am amazed by how long it will take before Tae wet himself, or something worse.

"Baby, time for clean nappy."

Taehyung whines when I gently push him on back and slide changing mat under him. He is watching the TV and I quickly put a diaper on him. Then I pat his padded bum and choose clothes for my boys.

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