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"I wrapped it around my finger, shutting her door and walking out"



"So, darling." I stare at her intently and place my cold hands on the table.

"Tell me about yourself."

She keeps her eyes focused on the ground and doesn't speak. I lick my chapped lips and raise my eyebrow yet, she acts as if I'm not here.

"What do you wanna know about me?" She asks a small blush appearing on her face as a smirk appears on mine.

"Well for starters..." I suck on my teeth. "What do you do other than work at this stupid facility?"

"I don't really like to talk about this." She pauses and starts to get comfortable. "I'm a- a nightclub dancer." Her eyes shut and she swallows down hard.

What? She's 16 and works at a strip club? This just can't be.

"If you don't mind me asking." I narrow my eyes and tilt my head. "Why? You're too beautiful to be in a place like that."

She smiles. Oh that smile. Her smile was gorgeous. Just like the rest of her.

"I don't really want to talk about it, can we change the subject?" She looks down playing with her thumbs once again.

I smirk.

"Of course baby."

I raise my eyebrow and slowly slide out of my seat and move my body to the side of the table that is closest to hers.

She shuffles in her seat. I couldn't help myself as to notice her breasts moving as she did so.

Jesus Bren, stop being so sexual toward her. Shes just a child.

"There is no need to be afraid of me." I lick my lips and look into her eyes as does she.

"Im not gonna hurt you." I place my cold hands upon her cheek. She shivers at my touch then pushes my hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me, that's not what I signed up for." She angrily stands up.

"I have to deal with stupid creeps like you all night at the club. I thought having a new job would be fun. Don't test me!" She breathes heavily and realizes what had just happened.

"Im sorry, I- Im just tired that's all." She sits down once again next to me as I stare in complete shock.

She just snapped out of nowhere.
Only knowing her for some time, she's been very shy and quiet. It seems as if I pressed a button to get her to snap at me like that.

"It's alright Eliza." {I almost forgot what I named this bitch}

I place my hand onto her cold one and rub my thumb in circular motions which seemed to calm her down a bit.

"How about we play a little game." Her bright eyes look up at mine sceptically.

"What kind of game?" She takes a strand of her hair and places it behind her ear.

A small smile creeps across my face.

"Just a simple game really, you tell everything about you and I'll do the same."

She bites the inside of her cheek then complies.

"Okay. You know my name and everything, Im a sophomore in highschool." She looks up thinking since other things to say.

"I'm working on my photography currently because I want to take pictures when a travel after high school."

"I've never done any crimes, oh wait I have, I stole some money from an elderly man." She laughs a little too herself.

I'm taken back by that. Even I wouldn't do something like that. Oh wait- nevermind.

"I don't really want people knowing about my personal life so, I'm finished." She smiles and waits for me to begin speaking.

Her smile is so cute.

"Well for starters, I'm a former graduate of Palo Verde High school and-."

"You went to Palo Verde? That's the school I go to." She cuts me off.

"Yes. Now Im 23 years old and never been to college, also doing photography like you but you might be more advanced than me." I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Maybe if you get out of here I could teach you a few tricks."

"That would be very much appreciated." I place my hand under my chin trying to think of something to say.

"Oh and there is one more very important thing you should know about me."

She keeps all of her attention on me.

"What is it?"

"I'm a-"

"YOUR TIME IS UP!" I'm cut off by the guard standing at my cell as he grabs Eliza by her arm to get her out.

"Wait what were you going to say?" She pulls away from him and walks to me.

"I'll see you next session, sweetheart." I smirk.

She sighs in defeat and her eyebrows lower as she walks out.

Before she steps out I say something to catch her attention.

"Just say I'm one hell of a man."

Before she could have a chance to say anything she is being pulled out.


Idk what this chapter was tbh I'm loosing my spark

And yes I used a black Butler reference okay!


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