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First thing's first: What does LGBT+ stand for?

Meaning: a female who is attracted to females; a female homosexual

Meaning: a man who is attracted to men; a male homosexual; a homosexual; an umbrella term that means "LGBT+"

Meaning: attracted to two genders (most commonly and typically male and female)


Transgender Meaning: Your gender does not align with your biological sex from birth
Transsexual Meaning: you physically transition (sex) to match a sex/gender you were not assigned at birth.

Queer Meanings:
1: An insult/slur, such as the f-word
2: An umbrella term meaning LGBT+
3. Sometimes exact definitions do not match up with a person's feelings, so "queer" is the substitute
Questioning Meaning: you are unsure of your sexuality/gender/etc.

Meaning: you are biologically a "mix" between female and male chromosones, your body has parts that identify as male and female (having X and Y chromosomes)

Asexual Meaning: You experience no sexual attraction to any gender or persons.
Aromantic Meaning: You experience no romantic attraction to any genders or persons.

Meaning: You are attracted to all genders; you can love someone despite their gender

Meaning: You must have a close bond with someone before being sexually intrigued

Meaning: All the other things!!!! There's a lot.

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