Chapter 1: New Starts

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It's junior year of high school, and I literally want to just disappear. I mean, the movies and tv shows make it look so easy, but it's not. Everyday I see someone in the news gone missing. Why can't I? I sit up every night and think about it but it never happens. Every night is just the same as every night, except this one was different. It's the middle of February, maybe 30 degrees outside, and snowing. I'm scrolling through whisper on my phone while thinking aloud,"Wouldn't it just be easier if I just wasn't here? If I wasn't alive?" Still scrolling through whisper I found a post that said,"Some cute guy who lives down the street from me just gave me his number, and we have the same music taste." I smiled and did that small breath laugh out of my nose, cause I thought it was cute. I responded to the post saying that was awesome. We started having post conversations and I told to message me on whisper. We started talking and I wasn't expecting to find a friend. Her and I talked till 6 am my time, cause she lived in Florida, and I finally passed out. Throughout the next couple days we both followed each other on social media and swapped numbers. Somehow, when I wasn't looking for someone to save my life, or be a friend, she came into my life.

Throughout the next couple weeks every night was the same. Come home from school, pass out for 3 hours, wake up, eat dinner, not do homework, stay up and talk to the girl I met, her name was Kristina, then pass out. One afternoon after school I couldn't just nap, so I scrolled through Facebook for what seemed like hours, when I suddenly saw a notification that a friend had tagged me in something. I honestly thought it was gonna be a meme, cause that's all I ever get tagged in, but this time it was my friend Jessica telling her friend from school to text me. I was really confused and asked her about it, all she said was you'll find out later. And sure enough I did. Her friend had texted me and asked me to go to her prom, cause her date ended up having to work. Normally I don't say yes to these kind of things, but I won't lie, she was cute.

In the weeks leading up to prom her and I talked every single day. One day on a bus ride home from school, my phone buzzed, waking me from my 20 minute nap. It was her. She was asking how my day was and what I was up too. I told her I just got out of school and was on the bus ride home. I liked to take up the back 2 seats for myself, use my backpack as a pillow, stretch out, and take a nap. She thought that was cute. I smiled a little bit and maybe blushed. When I got back home I didn't even sleep, I immediately started texting her. We talked for a long time throughout the night, and I ended up passing out.

The next day I texted my friend Jessica telling her thank you. She replies with,"For what?" I sighed and said thank you for telling her to text me. She replied with you're welcome. And I asked if I could confide with her about something. When she finally responded I told her that she couldn't tell anyone. She said ok and I told her that I started having feelings for her friend who asked me to prom. She laughed for a second and then responded with,"Don't worry. She likes you too." I was surprised, because normally people don't have crushes on me. And normally I don't start having feelings for someone who I haven't even met in person. But it happened and I was like, screw let's see what happens.

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