Chapter 3: Canon City

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A couple weeks after prom I was packing up to go on our schools band and orchestra trip to Canon City. And I sat there thinking to myself about how much I really liked this girl that I went to prom with. So I finally decided it was time to try and ask her out. I didn't really think about how she would react so I just went for it. I couldn't really do it in person because she lived 2 and a half hours away from me, so I had to text her. I had this whole paragraph typed up and ready to send, except I didn't hit send right away. I guess maybe it was because I was really nervous, but I wasn't sure. I sat there pondering it for a while when I saw a message pop up from her asking if I was ok. I decided finally it was time to send it. Once I hit send I waited. Time went by and I continued packing, and I still had not heard back from her. I thought maybe I scared her off so I texted her and asked if she had gotten my last message. She replied with no, so I copy and pasted it and sent it again asking if she got it. She, again, said no. She told me it would be better if I just emailed it to her, cause her phone wouldn't download the multimedia message. So I again copy and pasted it into an email, and awaited her response. I still had some packing to do so I did that while I was waiting. A few minutes later I heard my phone buzz and I saw it was a message from her. My face got really red from nervousness, as I very slowly unlocked my phone. And when I did all I saw was in all caps her saying,"YES. YES. A MILLION TIMES YES!" I almost screamed in excitement, I was so happy. I was honestly expecting a no, because most of the time that's what happened. I finished packing and headed to bed cause I had to be up early and it was already 1 in the morning.

When I got to school the next day I couldn't stop smiling, which was weird because at this time in my life I was super depressed and wouldn't smile at all. When I got to the orchestra that morning I found out that my friend, Thomas, had packed like 15 of: Monster, Nos, Red bull, and about 20 Mountain Dews. We drank half of them by the time we got to Canon City, which was only 3 hours away from our school. Now I have had them before, but not this many. It's not like they did anything to me, I drank them cause they tasted amazing. But anyways back to the point, I had drank way too many of them, and it caused me to feel like shit. When we got to the hotel it was: Me, Thomas, Jackson, and my friend Jared who were rooming together. Jackson and Jared got the beds, Thomas brought a sleeping bag and cot, as if we were going camping, and I slept on the chair. We got into our rooms and unpacked everything. We put the remainder of the drinks into the fridge, and all of our toiletries in the bathroom. We all sat around wondering what to do until we went to dinner and The Blossom Festival, which is really what we were there for besides preforming, and we decided to go to the pool, which was right down the hall from us. After a while of being in the pool we all had to go to dinner. Riding a bus wasn't the most fun, but we had to get places somehow. When we arrived for dinner, we went to a pizza place, I wasn't very hungry to begin with. At this point in my life I was depressed and wasn't eating very much. I survived mostly on caffeine and very little food. But I decided to grab a slice of Hawaiian don't judge me pineapple does go on pizza, And sat down with some friends and ate maybe 3 bites before my anxiety kicked in and I had to go outside.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2018 ⏰

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