Chapter 2: Prom Night

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So as I'm talking to this girl I am going to prom with, I start to find out we have very similar music taste. We both listened to Panic! At the Disco, fall out boy, My Chemical Romance, pretty much every "emo"band.  When the day finally came for me to go to prom with her, I was nervous to say the least. I only had a half suit and not a full one. Didn't even have a tie, I had a bow tie though. Her step dad and brother were down by where I was, which was Westminster because that's where my dad lived, and I spent weekends. And we made plans for them to pick me up and take me there, and my dad would take me home. When I arrived it was sleeting and muddy and cold, and I was still extremely nervous.

I walked in the front door and she was getting her hair done. I said hi to every one, and stood waiting. When they finished with her hair, she invited me back to her room so she could finish getting ready. We walked to the other side of her house and we sat and talked for a while. She put on P!atD and I played with her cat. I sat on the floor next to the foot of her bed, and soon my eyes started getting red and really itchy. I know what it was, it happens when fumes from a new carpet enter the eyes. They get super irritated and it sucks. She asked if I was ok, and I said yes. She looked at me and said,"You don't look ok. Your eyes are all red and you look miserable." I told her it was the fumes from the carpets getting in my eyes. She looked at me and said to hold on. She went in search for eye drops, found them, and sat down next to me. I told her I don't like things being put in my eyes, she replies with,"well you can either go to prom looking miserable, or you can allow me to put eye drops in and you'll be fine." I lied my head down in her lap, and I couldn't stop squirming. She kept laughing and telling me to keep still, I told her,"I told you I don't like things in my eyes." She finally was able to keep me still and my eyes open and put the drops in.

Later that night at prom, we sat in the gym and talked for a while. I lied on top of the stage and she lied next to me running her hand through my hair while I talked. I had a lot of things kinda just pent up, so I just let it all out. And she listened. I talked about my past and what I went through and she did the same. We just traded stories for a while. We eventually went back and danced with the rest of the school. After maybe an hour of dancing a group of us went out into the school lobby and sat around passing stories and making jokes. Suddenly I felt my phone buzz. I looked down and it was my dad saying he was a half hour away, and told me to be ready. I'll be honest I didn't wanna leave, I was having a really good time, and it was gonna be hard to go back home. Once my dad got there he ran in to use the bathroom, and while he did that, my prom date and I went to get all of my stuff. On our way back to the main lobby she stopped me and asked,"Would it be weird if I kissed you?" I said no and we kissed for a solid couple minutes. When I left, I felt sad. Granted I was extremely sleep deprived but it sucked leaving, because I didn't know when I'd see her again.

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