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     Alec and Alice arrived at the Nolenda cliffs just as the Kings carriage lands on a soft cloud bank." At least you're not late for your own banishment Mrs. Nightshade." The King says snidely getting out of his carriage. "Please your Highness...she's already leaving everything she knows for who knows how long...there's no need to rub it in her face." Alec says bored and plain-fully. The king sneers. "Oh? Would you like to join her?" Alec smirks and looks at the King. "Your majesty... I could have killed you and taken your throne a very very long time ago. I wouldn't push me if I were you." The King gulps discreetly and quickly regains his composure.

     "Whatever...I could beat you any day. Anyway! Back to business! Alice Nightshade. I hereby sentence you to banishment. You're only welcomed home and part of the heavenly kingdom when you have successfully and fully changed Adriel Gremory into a full fledged angel. Now say your goodbyes. Sadly the only thing I'll miss is that mouth and body of yours." Alice winces at the Kings comments and slowly looks to Alec only to see his head down and not looking at her. There was so much tension between the two of them you couldn't even cut it with a sword. "Your majesty...could I please have a moment with my husband ...alone?" Alice pleads. The King grunts and starts making his way to his carriage. "Just leave when you're done."

     The King leaves them and all the guards follow. Alice looks up at Alec looking for some kind of sign that he wasn't going to follow and murder the King in his sleep. Alec suddenly turns around, grabs Alice by the hips, and kisses her deeply, slowly pushing her back against one of the large boulders. She stands there shocked and surprised all until he picks her legs up from underneath her, pinning her to the smooth cold rocks behind her. Alice wraps her arms around her husbands neck and kisses him passionately, not wanting to leave his side. After minutes of passionate embrace he slowly pulls away from her.

    "Please be safe...I can't save you if you get into trouble down there..." She looks up into his sad grey eyes and puts her small hand to his chiseled cheek. "I promise. I'll stay safe.  But for now...I need to go." Alec sighs sadly and looks down. He looks back up a few seconds later and nods his head. "Come back to me...please..." Alice breaks away from his embrace and looks out over the green plains below her. "Goodbye Alec." She lets out her wings and flies towards Earth. When she's far enough away she whispers to herself. "I love you..."

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