The Sleepless Night

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     Alice lays in their bed hugging a pillow. "That stupid, arrogant, asshat of a demon king!!!" She rolls over and over, unable to sleep or get comfortable. After laying there for an hour or two there's a soft knock on the door. When she doesn't answer the door is slowly pushed open and Adriel sticks his head in to see if she's sleeping. She's laying with her eyes closed, her back to him. He slowly slips into the room and closes the door as quietly as he can. He walks over to the cabinet below the clock on the wall and pulls out two blankets and the extra pillow. He quietly moves around the room, fixing it up, eventually putting one of the blankets down. The pillow goes down next, and he strips down to his boxers, eventually laying down on the floor and covering up with the other blanket. Alice watches him, clearly shocked that he hadn't come to lay with her, and slowly sits up, looking down at him. His back is to her, but she knows that he's still awake. "Adriel..?" He turns over and faces her laying on his arms. "Yes, my Queen?" She sits there contemplating how to word her next sentence. "You didn't lay with me...why?" Adriel chuckles to himself and looks up at her admiringly. "Because... if I did, you would have slapped me."

     In that instant, Alice's stomach feels like it's on fire, her bones all melting away. They all seemed to be cramping at the same time; her body lighting up into a seizure again. Adriel flys straight at her and catches her trembling little body. Her scar on her back showing through her shirt, the same purple and green light shining through just enough to cast a shadow on their walls. "HE- HELP!!!" Alice whimpers out, as her body just locks its self into place. Adriel puts the same pain dampening spell on her and watches as her body slowly relaxes from the intense lock up. Alice breaths heavily and looks up at him, tears running down her face. "Th-thank you..." Adriel wraps her in a hug tightly and holds her head to his chest. "Anything for you... My Queen." He stands up and lays her down in their bed and covers her up with a sheet. "Please sleep. I need to make a quick run. I'll be back before you know it, okay?" He says softly as he pets her head. Alice nods and smiles weakly.
He slips on the clothes he left on the floor and he leaves the room, closing the door softly behind him. He heads out to the bow of the ship and unfurls his wings. He launches himself into the sky and heads for the forest far off in the distance. He makes it in a few minutes, winding through the trees, around rocks, through the stream, and straight into a portal that leads to the 5th ring of Hell. He shoots out of the portal exiting into the courtyard of Queens Xoie's castle. He lands on his feet and brushes a leaf off his shoulder.

"It's a little late for a showdown, don't you think Adriel? It's like what, 2 am in the human realm?" A beautiful angelic like creature with piercing red eyes and beautiful platinum, blonde hair comes floating down from the tower above them. She wore a simple blue dress with soft flowing silk, mostly from being the owner of what should technically be considered a demon brothel, but this was the 5th level of hell and her castle was meant to be a personal Hell for the girls working there. Women who spent their human years conning men and sometimes other women out of their money as well as some of their expensive possessions. "Xoie, you know exactly why I'm here. I want the dagger." The breathtaking queen just rolls her eyes. "You know I won't give that to you. What you did to me hurt. You lied to me. You cheated me. Not to mention that you chose that...THAT ANGELIC THING...over me!" She could see that she was getting heated so she took a breath and calmed herself. "I thought sending her into her own Hell would make you chose me, but you didn't. You waited for her to come back. I even changed what she was. I changed her into something that should have repulsed you...and YOU STILL CHOSE HER!!!" By this time the Queen had been slowly walking up to him and now she stood right in front of him. She was so close that Adriel could see himself in the reflection of her flooded scarlet eyes. There never really was a question in his mind on who took his bride from him. He knew that even as a playboy extraordinaire, where he was with pretty much every demoness of the underworld that only the Queen of Envy could have done such a terrible thing out of jealousy. "You took my Queen, my bride, my future. How could you have ever expected me to love you in her place? You are nothing compared to her! Now I want the dagger! I'm going to break it into a thousand pieces!" The wicked little queen just laughed in his face. "Go ahead! Do it! Pleaseeee do it!" She snaps her fingers and a glowing purple and green dagger appears in her hand. "Here." She tosses him the dagger and he catches it with ease. "You've given me so much crap for this dagger and suddenly you want me to destroy it?" The Queen nods and crosses her arms. "Go ahead. I've given you what you wanted. Go ahead and destroy it." Adriel looks down at the blade and shakes his head as he tucks the blade into his jacket. "No. You want me to breaks this, so I won't." The Queen looks at him with a wicked expression. "I handed the blade over for you to destroy it. Now you think that you're going to cheat me again! All to save your precious little pet!" The Queen lunges at him with lightning like speed and he knocks her away from him with one smooth smack of his hand. She comes at him over and over. Adriel jumps into the air and does a flip over her landing a little ways away after she had made a quick lunge at his face. He hears a soft scraping sound like a shovel in dirty only to look ahead and find that the dagger had fallen out of his pocket. The Queen walks over and picks it up out of the dirt, slowly cleaning the blade with her dress. "This is the last time you're going to cheat me, Adriel." She snaps her fingers and he disappears in a puff of green and purple smoke.

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