Chapter 1

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Jake's POV

Wow, what a turn of events! There I was, at an orphanage center in Arizona, wondering if anyone will take me away to an actual home after eighteen long years. Then all of sudden, here comes this dashing dude in a suit and tie who I recognized instantly as Bruce Wayne. And he comes and gets me out of that orphanage! Awesome!

"So, why did you come and get me?" I asked as we sat in his private jet.

"I just saw you through the window looking very depressed about something." Bruce explained. "Then I saw that it was an orphanage. I my self have had that feeling of being without any parents, so I decided to spare you of that pain."

"Well, thank you sir." I said happily. "I really appreciate it! So, where are we going?"

"Gotham." Bruce said, picking up a newspaper and starting to read it.

Where the heck is Gotham? I don't have the slightest idea where that place is located. All I do know is that it is very far, considering we're on a plane.

Speaking of planes, there was a loud CRASH!! And the plane started to rock uncontrollably as it fell.

"Get a parachute!" Bruce yelled, running to where the parachutes were. I didn't spend any time following his advice and grabbed a parachute and put it on my back. "We've gotta jump, now!" Bruce yelled as the side door opened.

"But what about the pilot?!" I asked, going towards the door.

"This plane is on auto pilot!" Bruce yelled. "Now jump!" Then he jumped from the plane.

I on the other hand looked down in fear at the forest below me and I did not want to jump. I was completely frozen in fear at the sight. There was no way I was jumping off of a plane!

But then I had a sudden change of heart  when there came another ear-splitting, tearing sound. 'Alright, now I'm jumping!' I thought and jumped off of the plane.

I just looked down at the trees below as I fell. 'This is bad!!!!' I thought. But then, I remembered the parachute attached to me, and started to look for the lever to eject the chute. I eventually found it and pulled it. In a snap, I was yanked upwards as the shut successfully opened, before I started descending again, this time much slower.

"That was too close!" I said, just as I was touching the ground. I then took off the parachute and looked around. "Bruce?!" I called out, hoping for a response from him. I walked for a little bit and kept calling his name. Each time however, I was met with the same response.....nothing at all.

Then, I heard movement behind me and I swiftly turned around, hoping it was Bruce. But I didn't see him. As a matter of fact, I didn't see anybody behind me. "What the-" I started, but was instantly cut off.

Something grabbed a hold of me and started dragging me through the forest. Something really strong, and I thought I saw some green. I looked down to see that it was a freaking vine dragging my by my ankle! I tried to shake it off of me, but it wouldn't budge, and it wouldn't stop moving.

I tried grabbing some objects nearby to try and stop the wild ride I was on. Even that did not work well as all I could grab were twigs and tiny bushes.

Then, to my relief, the vine stopped moving and let go of me. 'Finally!' I thought as I got up and tried to run away from whatever brought me here. But as I got up, all I could see were a bunch of menacing-looking venous flytraps that were alive surrounding me!  I mean I know plants are alive and all, but they are not supposed to snarl! And each looked to be about the size of my head!

I looked around and tried to find another way out of there, but all I could see were more flytraps. Then, when I did a 180 degree turn, I stopped spinning and rested my eyes on something in front of me.

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