Chapter 2

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"We're here" came a rumble from Torterra, grinding to a halt. The force of his movement caused me to careen awake, swaying to the side. I picked myself up, and found myself staring at sparkles.

The lake was enormous, or well, maybe I was just small. A vast pool of mirror-sleek waters gave off a cool mist that collected atop the cerulean waters like a protective blanket. Lily pads about the size of my head floated lazily across the surface, flirting with a bramble of cattails nearby. But what I loved most were the sparkles in the water. A small waterfall, more like a trickling fountain, pooled near the back of the lake by a submerged cavern. Rocks and other smooth surfaces permeated the outer rim of the lake, allowing easy passage for anyone to cross.

And there were plenty of others there too. I saw a small gathering of other Pokémon across the water, small and faint in the dimming light, but I could make out the figure of a Stantler and a Marrill. There was even a Pikachu and a Caterpie splashing about in the shallows, laughing so clearly. There was harmony here. Something that I longed for, and as I felt the smiles of these other Pokémon, a harmony grew in me as well. I had to wipe away the tears with my stubby arms, finding it hard to reach my face for a moment.

"Kirl, come on down" Teddy was waving to me from the ground. Well, the true ground, as they had all hopped off of Torterra to reach the pool. The drop didn't look too steep, so I slid off down the side of some soft moss, and stumbled into a bush. Teddy laughed, and bounded over to dig me out.

"Still getting used to it," I smiled. I took Teddy's paw and stood up again, feeling how soft the beans of his hand was. Teddy's eyes showed so much warmth, it stirred in me. I didn't know why I was so happy, there was no reason for it.

"Come on, Ludicolo is about to start his dance-" Teddy pulled me along, and I couldn't help but let out a giggle. What was happening to me? I couldn't grasp my emotions as I used to, they just filtered through me like wind through a set of chimes.

We ran to the edge of the water, close enough to dip our toes. If we had toes. I dipped my foot(?) and giggled at the refreshing touch of the water. Smeargle and Eevee looked over at me, both smiling with their eyes fondly. Eevee spoke up, "Just pay attention until Ludicolo uses up his energy, then we can talk"

"What is he doing?" I looked back at the lake. A commotion seemed to be happening near the back of the submerged cave, where firelight sparked into being. I heard a faint rattling, and then the lake fell silent. Some of the Pokémon across the lake started to gather by the edge as well, awaiting a performance. I tried my best to focus, holding a hand to my heart and breathing.

A drum beat. Hearty and strong, like the sound of bamboo hitting a plank, I heard it ring out into the silence. The rattling phased back in, shaking out the sound of grainy maracas. A large figure emerged from the darkness of the cave, holding its webbed hands high. A joyful, duck-like face took center stage – but that comical expression held a fire in its eyes. Ludicolo was about to give his epilogue.

"Hoo-Woaah! Hoo-Woaah! Welcome, welcome, boys and girls! Do you feel the beat that stirs in your bones? Can you feel the rhythm tickling your toes? That is the music, and this is my song! Let my song flow through you, let us dance with our hearts as one! Hoo-Woaah! Hoo-Woaah!"

A soft reed pipe fluttered into the mix, and suddenly the cavern was fully lit by torches! Ludicolo began to sway and shake its large body with a grace unknown, hands grabbing the air like a handlebar support as its hips shook and swayed. I saw the band behind Ludicolo, an Ekans shimmying to the music, along with a Makuhita slapping away at bongos. A Roselia softly played the pipes, breathily blowing out soft tones into the air with punctuation. And all the time, this saucy tune began to accelerate, and Ludicolo began to choreograph his arms and legs into a flurry of poses. The Pokémon around me began to shift and lean into the song, and I felt it take me as well. Eevee was beaming and prancing around, and Torterra began to stomp in unison. Smeargle and Teddiursa took hands and began to do-si-do. Watching Ludicolo move with such precision, something clicked in my mind. My arms began to pose like his, my waist unhinged and gyrated of its own volition. I felt it again; fire. A fire I saw in Ludicolo's eyes, just before the song. I began to dance, letting the energy of the song catapult my conscience into another plane of existence. At that moment, I wasn't myself, or some Kirlia. I was the spirit of movement. Skipping my legs two and fro was second nature, and I bent like the cattail reeds, stomped like the waterfall, flowed like the leaves in the breeze. I was everywhere.

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