Chapter 1- The Beginning

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Chapter 1- My POV (Always will be)

I walked into the halls of my school, looking at the familiar pictures, trophies, and lockers. As weird as it was I missed this place, it was a place I could see my friends and learn.

I have to admit, I'm not the smartest nor am I the dumbest. We all have our strengths and or weaknesses. I would like to think one of my strengths is writing, always liked it. I never tried anything with it. I've always thought it would be tough to write. I've tried songs, I've made a few and then threw them away.

I looked around and spotted my friends and I walked over and smiled. It was a nice and genuine smile, nothing hiding behind it, yet. I laughed and talked with my friends, nothing really out of the blue.

I've had a few boyfriends, more than a few really. I wouldn't count some because you don't really date in grade school, some don't even consider junior high, but I do. Junior high is the time you discover your so called "Type" and figure out what you like. It's like discovering you don't really care for guys with beards (to young to have a beard but honestly it's that time) or maybe you don't like blondes with beady black eyes. Is that a better example? I'm not for sure.

I walked into my first hour class, also known as Algebra. That must mean I'm some sort of smart right? Anyways our teacher, Mrs. Glass, gave us our seating arrangement and told us the class rules. Which were all basic and duh worthy. She gave us a beginning page to see were we are with everything.

To give my brain a break I looked up and my eyes wondered over to one of the smartest guys in 8th grade. He was also quite rude, maybe the fact his girlfriend was controlling and a B. Anywho he has blue eyes, sandy blonde hair, maybe 5'2, lots of guys in our class hasn't hit their growth spurt. He was pale, and very skinny, rarely ate but he did. One feature most amazing was his jaw line, defined and slightly feminine but it fit him perfectly.

His girlfriend, mentioned earlier as a B, was also in this class. Whether people will admit it or not, she's quite smart. She has long, thin blonde hair, healthy weight and average height. She thinks she's hilarious and is basically an attention seeking whore. But honestly who am I to judge? Anywho she limits who he can talk to, if he doesn't listen she'll get pissed and then he will cry. (He's a wimp with no backbone)

This couple? Probably the most hated in Junior High and the most talked about. Mostly due to the fact she flirts constantly with other guys, but he doesn't care. Their names? Monica and Josh.

*********Authors Note**********

I'm sorry it's not the best chapter. If you like it, vote! Maybe even comment? Please and thank you.

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