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"Thanks for the ride." I smiled at him.

"No problem. By the way, are you free today?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"There's this restaurant I want to take you."

Questionable! "Uh sure. I'd love to go. I just have to check with my brother. I'll tell you later after school."


We got out of the car and went to our separate classes. We didn't see each other until lunch. He came and sat with me again during lunch. I was eating a packet of Lays, he had pizza from last night and he gave me some.


A massage on my phone, from Ben.

"Can you come to the cafeteria? I need to ask you something."

"Now?" I replied back


"Is it important?"


"Okay, I'm coming."

I looked at Gumball and he was enjoying the view. "Um Gumball."


"I have to go."


"My brother just texted me. Apparently he wants to talk about something important."

"Can I come with you? I don't wanna be left alone."

"Sure. I don't see why not." We went together to Ben. He was waiting right outside the cafeteria. He looked stressed. "What did you want to ask?" We stood right behind him.

When he turned to look at me he looked surprised when he saw Gumball. "Who's this?" He asked looking at him.

"I'm-" Before he could answer Ben cut him off.

"I know who you are. I'm asking who you are to my little brother."

"I'm his friend."

"You know each other?" I asked looking up at them. They are about the same height. Why am I so sho~rt?!😩😭

"We're in the same class. We're lab partners." Ben said. Well that's interesting.

"I thought you didn't know my name." Gumball added.

"You're the school president and I hear your name everywhere. How can I not."

"Right." Gumball nodded awkwardly.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

He pulled me away from Gumball to speak privately. "Are you dating him?" He asked.

"What? No. We're friends. Why would you even think that? You know I'm not gay."

"Still. I don't think you should hang around him. I don't trust him."


"He's a playboy. I don't want him to break your heart."

"I am not dating him."

"Still, stop hanging with him."

"But he's my only friend. Who can I hang out with then?"


"Psh. You're always out partying. We never hang out."

"Fine. But be careful."

"OKay. Was that what you wanted to talk about?"

"No. I wanted to ask what to expect tonight."

"What's happening tonight?"

"You don't know? Dad sent me a massage saying he wants to introduce someone to us. Someone special."


"Yeah. Do you think he has a boyfriend?"

"Maybe. Since mom left him after finding out about dad being gay, he has been really depressed. Maybe a boyfriend will cheer him up."

"But do you think its okay?"

"I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no."

"I don't think it's right. Dad should apologize to mom so that they can get back together."

"Why should he apologize for being gay?"

"It's wrong. Dads should not be gay." Okay, wow.

He started to heat up. I can see he's still angry at dad for breaking mom's heart. I waited for him to calm down. I know he isn't homophobic. He is just really angry at dad.

"Are you okay?" I asked after a few seconds.

"I just wish things would be normal at home."

"They will be. But normal is not just having a woman in the house. It can be men only too, you know."

"Mm, I know."

"Promise me that if dad brings a boyfriend you will be nice to him." I held my pinky out.

A soft grin formed on his face. "I promise." He wrapped his pinky around mine. "You're still a baby." He chuckled.

"Hey, am not." I nudged his arm.

"I'll see you later then."


"Wait, after school, can we go to the mall? We haven't hung out in a while."

"Well, he's taking me out to eat."

"Like a date?"

"No. He just wants to show me a restaurant. It's definitely not a date."

"Ted, please be careful. I may not show but I lo-wuuu..." He pretended to gag. "I care for you. You are my little brother after all."

"Wow. Goodbye." I went back to Gumball then we went to our classes.

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