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Fluttering my eyes open I met with with different surrounding . Its difficult to wake up becz of pain in my whole body , I never felt this weak .I noticed there's needle attached to me.


Yesterday's events came flashing in my mind. That Mr So called late CEO bite me and then I lost my consciousness.

That man who is he to bite me like an animal

Well for now I dont give a damn to who is he what i have to do is find a way to get out it.

I grabbed my phone which was on table beside bed and send a quick message to Gab to find about my location and asked him to pick me up.

I guess it's a mansion in outskirts . As I was heading to door it opened and guess who greated me with their presence is none other than Mr.Late CEO.

" You are awake. How are you feeling? " He asked concerned.

" Fine. " I moved closer to him and slapped him right on the face .

"How dare you to bite me and you still have nerves to ask me how am I " I yelled clearly frustrated.

" Listen you are misunderstanding the situation here. " He answered irritatingly.

" You fainted not because of bite ,its due to your weakness. And here are medicines for you. " He added.

"What" i exclaimed

"We'll talk about this during breakfast is that okay with you?" He asked

"Yeah" I followed him out the room to the table.

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