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Lexi POV

Isn't it so lovely

Suddenly I heard the bell rang and ........ I have to go to me and Jinyoung's private class luckily I remember there was the hidden hallway going to class FYI guys I actually discovered a hidden hallway going to class and so I decided to go there but before I do that "Jackson there is a hidden passage way over there you two can go there we'll somewhere else ,ok?" " ok got it" hehehe I'm so creepy right no doubt that I know all the hidden stuff here in school coz I own the school coz before mom and dad break up they pass the school to me and manage it by myself when I grow up so yeah "no come oppa we have to go" "ummmm ok but why here?" "Shikuro just follow me" I tried to sound annoyed "omo now you know how to disrespect me huh!" He said trying to get mad again but he can coz if he will I have the right to kick him out of the school but I wont do that to anyone even though they hurt me I will still love them not JB like goes to JB not love "you won't get mad at me right?" I pouted we reached the PCR -private class room hehehe almost like CPR hehehehe 😂

Skip class hours

Finally class is over for today I went to the hidden hallway and make it into my car when "Yah what are you doing are you gonna steal Jinyoung oppa's sisters car? You jerk" and I think a already have enough courage to say this "IM JIN YOUNG OPPOAS SISTER OK AND IM ALSO THE OWNER OF THE SCHOOL SO IF YOU KEEP ON BULLYING ME THEN YOU KNOW WHAT I CAN DO I CAN EXPEL YOU FROM MY SCHOOL AND DONT FORGET ABOUT THIS EVERY BULLYING YOU DO TO ME HAS BEEN RECORDED SO WATCH OUT YOU MAY END UP IN JAIL SANA MARK MY WORDS  YOU ASS BI*CH LIVING FU**ER" I said while tearing up

"huh!!!ohhhh what did the jerk say she is the owner of the school owwww so pathe-"before she could continue Jinyoung oppa got her in a arrested form
"Gotcha to the principals office now!" Jinyoung oppa came with Jimin,and so Jimin accompanied me going to the clinic coz I accidentally hit myself somewhere so yeah hehehe clumsy me "oppa why are you protecting her she's a nobody" she said trying to leg go or Jinyoung's tight grip of her hands

"Oh really she's a nobody I'm not so sure,after my sister confessed to you,she is still a nobody?! Hmmm I don't think so,and I'm proud of you sis you finally came out from your shell ,and I love you for that"

hehehe I love you too bro "hear that girls he only loves me not you guys awww such a pity" I said in a boasting tone

"what about me daddy bro why only mommy sis?" He said pouting "love you too sonie bro" "hehe love you too mom and dad" ok I felt weird being called mom and my brother dad in school they might think that I'm his wife noooooo

In the principals office

"MS.SANA WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO OUR OWNER SHE MIGHT EXPEL US FROM SCHOOL" her mom yelling at her "I......... I'" before she could continue JB popped in the office and asked what happened to his lovely girl 🙄


"JB JB JB!" A man  from the principals office ran towards me and said "SANA IS IN THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE HURT AND SHE HAS LOTS OF BRUISE , WITH LEXI AND JINYOUNG!!!!" "SANA !!!!HURT !!!!!BRUISE !!!!!LEXI !!!!!JINYOUNG!!!" I ran to the office but the one I saw hurt and with bruises was not Sana but it was Lexi I felt hurt when I saw Lexi like that but huh what am I thinking of I don't love her don't I??oh gosh what am I thinking and I realize I was crying already so I covered it with "OMG what happened to my lovely girl what happened??,you did you do this to her ?" I said crying and getting mad at Lexi at the same time but I really didn't mean to get mad at her when she said "THATS IT DETENTION EVERYDAY END OF DAILY DETENTION 12:59 a.m  ARACHI?!?!?!?!!!"
"Who are you to file a Daily detention to me?"

Lexi POV

I'm so happy that I left JB and Sana in detention nay even a slight pity to JB I cant feel never in a million years I will feel pity for him never.
Now I will take a walk , minutes pass while I was walking happily I suddenly stopped when I saw ........
*sobbing* being hurt "you bastard you traitor you are out of GOT7" oh no did I hear it right he is out of GOT7 no no no no that cannot be

My love story with a Cold twist / Lee Taeyong Where stories live. Discover now