Weding accident

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Lexi POV

Today was our wedding Day when I heard a gunshot and everything went pitch black

I gain small of my consciousness I heard sobbing and a siren of an ambulance "where am I?" "Lexi you're awake!" I was supposed to tell him something when It became pitch black again  I felt like someone was calling me near a light once I got closer and closer there I saw my dearest mother "mom you came back" tears started forming in the corner of my eye "no I came here to fetch you" what does she mean? "You have to choose wether to fight or stay"
"What do you mean eomma?" I really have a bad feeling about this "you need to choose wether to fight for your life or stay with me? I understand my baby but it's your choice" I know I love to be with my mom but I have to stay for my husband so that we could live together as a family I hope my mother would understand "yes I do aga (my baby) now you may choose" "mom where are you eomma"

Taeyong POV

I was sleeping till "Eomma" "Lexi!! Are you awake dear?" "Where am I?" "At the hospital, the doctor said you should rest and stay here for the meantime gladly that gunshot wasn't that deep" I am very happy to see her alive "may I know who are you?" My heart suddenly dropped "what do you mean who am I?"

Lexi POV

I saw the happiness in he's eyes,nose,lips hehehe jk I see the happiness in him so I planned to play a game with him

so I made a confused look and "may I know who are you?" Hehehehe " what do you mean who am I?"ok ok he's falling for it already I can see it in his eyes "I mean I don't know who you are" trying so hard not to laugh

"you weren't hit on your head but you don't know who am I?" "Why what happened to me?!?" I faked panic  but as soon as I looked at him I stopped,

I saw tears in Lee Taeyong's eyes "I am sorry Taeyong" he stopped crying and that he went confused "huh I thought you don't know who am I!" "I am so so sorry about that I really didn't forget about you my love"

"I thought you have forgotten about me love" "why would I?" "Cuz you weren't hit in the head" he said sarcastically

"you made me cry for my second time" "why when was your first cry?" "When you were shot"

huh he has never cried before? "Yeah you are my wife but I haven't told you about this yet" he scratched the back of his neck In embarrassment

"it's ok atleast you are starting to be more open to me now" "of course I should be very open you you especially right now since you are now Ms.Lexi Lee"

"Am i right or am I right?" "How is that a choice?"i pouted "just answer"he pouted back "ok ok........... NO YOU'RE NOT!!" Hehehehe I alwase have fun teasing him we started screaming that we almost forgot that we were at a hospital when the nurse came in and asked what happened we said no and as soon as she went out o both laughed in unison and said "Gochha!!" In unison hehehehe

Two years later....

It's been two years since the accident and now Taeyong and I were blessed with our twins Taelee (boy) and Lexa (girl) every day we bond together and the kids wait for us at the studio where NCT practices and I trust the boys with them since they really love children then we lived a happy life together

The End......

My love story with a Cold twist / Lee Taeyong Where stories live. Discover now