The runway to a beautiful life

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Taeyong POV

It's been a week since that day and Lexi and I are back to normal we're back to being friends😕but it's better that enemy's right? "Taeyong!!" I turned to see who was calling me "oh Ten-shi wae?" "I have a really great news for you!!" "What is itttt!?!?!?" I seriously am annoyed now "she likes you back" "what's who do you mean sh-" "Teeennn!!!! Get back here I'm not done with you yet wait" she paused when she saw me and started running after Ten hehe weird hehe

In lunch time we ate together with the group and including Lexi it went awkward until "so~ let's talk about you guys" Jeno looked at me and Lexi "what?" We both said in unison "owwww~" he started teasing "so when are you both gonna be together?" I accidentally chocked myself with my food "what- do you mean?" I said trying to look so innocent "well you both like each other" "shh~" Lexi and I both said it in unison "you guys even say something in unison like all the time"

Lexi POV

He won't stop talking until he gets what he wants "we'll Lexi who will be your date today?" Wait what my date like.... oh~ today is Valentine's Day ,so who?
"Will you be my date Lexi?" I turned to see who it was and "Taeyong😃" "I mean if you don't have any date today😅" "say yes!! say yes!!" They started cheering for the both of us "of course I will😊"
And a month after he then asked me to be his girlfriend but I thought twice because what if he breaks my heart like Mark and JB but then I am willing to give him another chance

Lexi POV

Two years later. . . .

"Lexi please prepare for your turn" I don't get it it's our runway and I'm the last and we're not suppose to do it one by one ,we should line and do it together,but why am I alone?

"And now Ms.Park Lexi" now it's my turn "what took it so long for it to be my turn?" I asked the staff "you'll see when you go up mam" isanghae (somethings fishy/ weird) once I went up the stage for my turn I saw a big gift at the end of the runway well it can't be Taeyong cuz he said he has an interview today and will be soo busy that he will be so sorry to his girlfriend (a/n *cough* her -*cough* her) a/n please don't spoil

And as I reached the end of the runway the music turned of and one of the rule of modeling is to stop when the music ends or stop but it turned into a sweet song from a fast runway song then one of the staffs told me to open the gift but I thought twice before I opened it and heart ♥️ red balloons 🎈 went flying when opened it and a banner came out saying " To My Beautiful Girlfriend We've Been Together For Two Years Now And I Just Want You To Know..." suddenly a video played at the huge screen in my back and all videos and photos of me and my dearest boyfriend showed up in the screen with some editing and the last five minutes of the video said " Lexi today might not be the day you are ready because of your past experiences with love but I promise you I mean I will always be here for you no matter what and how it takes ........... So today will be the day I will gather all my courage and say this" the video suddenly stopped and someone was on the mic "Park Lexile Will You Marry Me Lee Taeyong And Be With Me Till Our Last Day Together?" I didn't realize that my face was full of tears already but I still didn't care about it and said "I Park Lexile Says YES To Lee Taeyong"and we both hugged and everyone in the mall started cheering for me and Taeyong

Wedding 👰🏻 🎩 day

I was getting ready at the back of the door when Boom 💥!!!.....

My love story with a Cold twist / Lee Taeyong Where stories live. Discover now