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augury /●n. an omen

There was nothing particularly wrong, per se. No tragedy was actually taking place. But there was this feeling in my heart that something was in the making.

The frequent disappearance of Kaylen from the classes, the cunning smiles by Andrea whenever she saw me, the over-joyousness of Jordon these days; it was not normal.

They were like auguries that something was bound to happen. And it was going to happen really soon.


My father had a detached condo, which was a neat and small building in the corner of the whole block of apartments. It was a singular floor house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sitting room and a kitchen.

Even though it looked really nice and fresh, I wasn't excited to move in there. As soon as I set foot in the place, it felt like all the memories from home came rushing back to me and I had begun missing my old life already.

Jayden was right at my heels with another one of my gigantic bags as we moved in towards the further end, towards my new room. He had come to help me set up my stuff there.

The windows in my room overlooked the yard filled with swings, which was also shared by the people living in the next-door apartments.

I sighed as I put down the bags.

I wasn't really a social butterfly. I was happy in the company of the little group of people I had in my life and I didn't like to associate too much or unnecessarily. I'm sure the world could live without my acquaintance, was my ideology. But life, as always, had to give me the opposite of what I wanted, so I was stuck in this public sort of place.

I was glad that my university was at the outskirts that joined both of the towns, my previous one and this one, so it wasn't really an issue to drive there. However Jayden's was at the further South, so if he moved with papa here, that wouldn't have been very convenient. Hence, in the end, it was me right here.

Even though this wasn't the criteria of our separation and there was no divide in our hearts, but the genetic partition between us was hurting. It was like blood with blood, Jayden with dad because he was his and I with papa because I had his genes.

"You boys want to come for a walk to see the area?" Came papa's voice from the door of my room and we both nodded before walking out with him.

We walked side by side into the huge shared gardens, papa in the middle and us twins on either sides of him.

"These flowers are nice," Jayden started, to lighten up the mood a little.

"Yeah, they're cool," I added, just so I didn't come out as quiet and upset with this change. As much as I didn't adore it, I didn't want my father to feel bad about it either.

"I'm going to start gyming again here," papa said, nodding towards a building which would be the gym.

Jay and I burst out laughing, making him huff playfully.

"My old man," Jayden joked and I continued to laugh. He hated it when we kept reminding him he was growing older, he still acted like he was twenty eight and didn't like to be told otherwise.

"Hey! I'm just forty-two!" He protested, "and besides, I'm still tougher than both of you lads combined."

I shook my head with a smile. I could resume gymning here along with papa. It would give us the silent bonding time that we had lost because he had stopped exercising since two years or so. And maybe I would find myself a submissive too.

If this was a place with so much population, then there's got to be sexual diversity too. My mind literally salivated at the thought of having someone moan aloud under me. Fuxk, I hadn't gotten laid for a whole month!

But suddenly another thought crossed my mind which made my boner die down before it swelled.
What if papa finds himself someone too?

"Kay?" I heard Jayden's voice make me snap out of it and saw that he and dad and walked a couple of steps ahead of me.

"Yeah?" I replied weakly and joined them again as we walked further into the gardens.

I couldn't stop thinking about it and at the same time, couldn't bear the thought of it. I wouldn't be able to see my papa with another man or woman. I wouldn't be able to see anyone except my dad beside him.

"Kay," said papa softly and I turned to him, pushing the disturbing image aside.

"You're red," he said and looked at me with concern and sad eyes.

"Uh, it's just really hot here," I said fanning myself and chuckling forcefully.

In my head I decided that I didn't like this place. It was giving me auguries of something about to happen; something I didn't want to see happening.


Since a few days this semester, I had been feeling like someone is watching me while I do my work sitting on my desk quietly. It had become creepy.

And it was happening again, now. I was really irked.

I looked up and turned my head around. Everybody was busy completing assignments, just like I was and nobody was staring at me. I sighed in irritation but then my eyes drifted to the teacher on the dias.

Mr. Blake's eyes widened in panic when mine met his and then he quickly looked away to his laptop. I cocked my head to the side, wondering if he was the one ogling me all through this time.

He isn't bad, I decided, giving him a once over as he typed away nervously on his computer. He unconsciously bit down on his lower lip and his Adam's apple bobbed as he gulped. Since I was watching him so closely, that excited me.

He was handsome. His brown hair were neatly parted to the right and he was looking very sexy as he tried to concentrate while hoping I didn't catch him staring at me. A chuckle left my mouth as I imagined him crushing over me. It would be so hot if I could get to trap him against the very wall he was standing against, and close the distance between our lips, feel his fingers in my hair, and hear him gasp in surprise and whimper in need.

I was so hard.

I quickly scuttered out of my seat and went out of the class, towards the washroom. The hallway was crowded, as my luck, and I pushed myself into the first washroom that came into sight.

The male staff washroom.

I leaned against the washbasin, breathing heavily as a naked Mr. Blake flashed in my head. My hands automatically flew to my boner and I palmed myself, tending to my wanton needs. My mouth fell open in a soft gasp as Mr. Blake writhed under me as I plowed into him in my dirty daydreams.

"Fuck," I suddenly heard a whisper and the door opened to reveal the flustered man in my fantasies.

Both of our eyes widened in embarrassment as I quickly put my hand away from my crotch while I saw his hard-on poking his pants' fabric.

A/N: I'm so excited to write this scene further. Are you excited to read it?

Also, what would you want to happen next? Comment here please!

And I finally got the appropriate models for the characters! Check out the intro chapter again!

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