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(Kaylen in the video above)


nirvana /●n. a transcendent state in which there is no suffering or desire, and no sense of self.

It had been a damn long while since I had been looking for peace in every corner of my life. Nothing felt right.

I was tired of searching.

It was about time something walked into my life and put me in endless nirvana.


I could swear on my life that there was someone in the backyard after I had checked up on Jordon in the night and found his room empty.

And now when I went back into his room, he was awake and standing near the bed, looking pale. Also, the walk-in closet's light was open and shone from the slit below the door.

"Jordon? Who are you hiding in the closet?" I asked him, giving my best strict expression and making him pale even more.

I couldn't believe my small six year old boy was upto these kind of things! Was he hiding a thing? Or a human? How bad could it possibly be?

He must've been hiding some friend of his who would've sneaked in at night. I couldn't understand kids these days. They were way ahead of what we used to be in our times. I guess I'd have to tackle it smartly.

"Jorry? What is it?" I asked on a softer note and when he didn't reply, I began walking towards the closet myself.

"Nonononono!" He screamed, blocking my way by standing before me with arms stretched on either sides and widened eyes.

"I'm not mad," I assured him falsely, ruffling his hair and passing by him from the side.

I opened the door of the closet and peeped inside. There was nothing. I frowned. Why would Jordon prevent me from looking if he weren't concealing anything? There had to be something.

I walked in, looking around carefully while Jorry stayed in the room, probably praying for his life. When I reached the further end and peeked behind the row of hangers, what I saw made me jolt away with a squeal.

There was a man with his back towards me and when he turned around, both of us widened our eyes in recognition and my heart failed.

Before I could squeal once more, he clamped my mouth shut with his hand, backing me against the wall, chest against chest, just like the last time. The aroma of beer surrounded us as he stood so close, his light brown eyes boring into mine and I found myself staring deeper into them, as if in a dwam.

What was he doing here?
What was Kaylen Lutyens doing in my house, in my son's closet?

When my heart beats had started becoming a bit normal, he retraced his hand from my mouth, dragging it down my chin and I didn't realise it sooner but I was leaning into it.

"Mr. Blake," he spoke in a husky whisper and I whimpered silently, shocking both of us.

I pushed him away quickly, not wanting to end up like I had last time when we were alone together in a small space. A slight smirk was placed handsomely on his face as he looked at me, making me blush in shyness and fury, both.

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