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ethereal /●adj. extremely delicate, light, not of this world

One moment he was a beast; pulling me against himself with his tight grip and raging eyes that roamed over me like they had been famished. Biting my skin and torturing me with patience, he never ceased to let me know who I belonged to for the next hour of the clock.

The next moment he was ethereal; kissing me with so much want and need and entwining his fingers with mine like he won't let me leave. Sometimes, he just looked at me and kept looking till I wouldn't know what he wanted to communicate through his eyes and I would keep wondering about it for the rest of the day.


"Jayden!" I growled, picking up another one of his smelly socks from under my bed and throwing it out the door.

I bet he was really happy to claim my old bigger bedroom as his when I had moved out to papa's place. And now, after a week of shifting back, I still kept finding his belongings at weird places all over my room.

"I've been wondering where you were gone!" I heard his faint voice from the hall outside and I chuckled, shaking my head at his stupid self while he continued to talk to his socks.

I was back home after a tiring day-- hell, every college day is tiring--but I was satisfied. I didn't want to confront myself about it but I knew I was nervous when he avoided me the whole day.

Earlier, I thought it was because he had called me 'baby' the other day. I was disappointed at that moment because it was basically a hint that before no time he would start fantasising about us getting married in future. I had told him I didn't want him to feel anything for me, except for lust. But the way he had looked so embarrassed and ashamed when I glared at him, had me thinking twice about my own feelings. He was an ethereal soul and maybe I was too harsh on him.

Well, we needed to talk about that sector.

Anyway, I was glad to know that that wasn't the reason why he had texted me not to follow him. It was Prof. Christie, his ex. Apparently, she had threatened him about exposing our affair--if you could even call it that. That was definitely bad news. Emerald could lose his job and we both could lose our reputations, so it was only fair that we controlled our dicks on campus.

"Kaylen!" I heard dad's voice calling from downstairs.

"Coming!" I shouted back and went down the stairs.

He was busy typing away on his laptop when I flopped down on the couch beside him. He shut his computer and put it away along with his spectacles before turning to me.

"How was your--" He stopped midway to sniff. "You stink! Go take a shower." He scolded and I rolled my eyes before putting my head on his shoulder. He grunted a few times in a funny manner before he let his fingers run through my hair soothingly.

"Why did you call me?" I asked, closing my eyes and losing myself in the nothingness that his calming presence provided.

"To tell you to shower. Don't roll your eyes again. We're going to your father's friend's place for dinner." He said, pushing me away from himself.

I made a face before getting up and walking back to my bedroom with a sigh. I knew who this 'friend' was, the same guy papa had been eyeing at the gym that day. I don't know why, but I just didn't like him. I just had this feeling, call it sixth sense or whatever, that he and my father had some history.

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