Chapter one

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I'm the person at the back of the class, never saying a word and always keeping my head down. I'm the person who is abused and beaten, raped and looked down upon. My only friend is my pet bat, Dancer. I can understand him, but I don't reply by words I reply by signs. Dancer brings me food at nights when I get none. He brought me materials to make a basket for food and he carries the small basket through the bars of my cell. I'm extremely grateful to have Dancer. He goes to school with me, but no one knows that part. He only sleeps when he knows I'm asleep. Today I get to go to school for a few hours. I'm extremely smart, but I don't show it. I literally calculated the suns mass. I'm a genius, just don't look the part.

I woke up to the sound of my cell door opening. I crawled up to my feet, still sore from last nights beating. "Get up you bitch" the alpha said to me. I wait for him to tell me to come out before I slowly walked out with Dancer hidden in my hair. He shoved me into the wall and broke my nose. "You honestly thought I'd let you out?" He asked. I fix my nose and hold my head down, blood dripping down my nose. "Get upstairs now!" He shouted at me. I quickly run up the stairs weakly. "Bitch move faster!" He shouted kicking me in the back. I fall on the stairs and sprained my arm. "If you wanna go to school you better move it!" He shouted. I get up and ran out of the pack doors grabbing my bag on the way. I begin the two hour walk to school and as soon as I get there the bell rings. I walk into the school with new beatings on my body. "Ah it's the omega" one of the bullies said. I tried walking past them, but they shoved me into the lockers. I make no sound as he begins beating me. "Hey I wouldn't beat that omega up in front of the new kids. Their looking at you" one of his friends said. "I don't care, she needs to know her place" he said. He grabbed me by my hair and tossed me into the center of the room. Dancer flew out of my hair and glared at him.

"She has a bat in her hair" he said laughing. I pick Dancer and cradle him to my chest. They begin laughing at me and I stood up. I begin walking to class with Dancer cradled to my chest. I felt eyes on me, but I ignored them. I walked to math and sit outside the classroom listening to the teacher teach. I knew every answer and exactly how to do it, but I didn't talk. I never talk, honestly I consider myself a mute. When that class was over he found me again. He shoved me down the stairs and Dancer picked me up by my shirt and flew me down the stairs. "Kill that bat!" He shouted. I gave signs to Dancer and he flew outside and went to the top of the school. I continued walking to my next class when he began attacking me again. Dancer heard bones popping and came back inside. Marcus, my bully, had shifted into his alpha wolf and bit my ankle.

Dancer climbed on Marcus' back and bit him with his poisonous fangs. Dancer flew on top of the lockers before he could be attacked. Marcus began swaying and collapsed to the ground and everyone panicked. Marcus was taken to the nurses office and Danced flew to me and landed on my shoulder. I finished my walk to next period and sat outside the classroom since I was late. I loved science class. It was one of my favorite classes. I discovered that Dancer was a rare breed of poisonous bats called Blooders. Dancer was a very rare bat while I was a common abused werewolf. I didn't even have my wolf yet, so I was basically human. The bell ran for next period and I got up. Marcus came storming down the hall towards me. "You pathetic human ill kill you!" He shouted. I looked away and kept walking towards class. He grabbed me by my neck and began choking me. I closed my eyes and prepared for this life to be over and to be free from this horrible life when I heard someone growl from behind me. I opened my eyes and saw Dancer attacking him. I smiled and held my hand out towards Dancer.

He landed on my finger and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He knew that I didn't want to die by anyone else's hands but his. I nodded and Dancer had tears coming out of his eyes. I began crying silently and pulled him to my chest. "This pathetic love life" Marcus said. 'If you only understood' I said in my head. "Now time to end your pathetic life and then your bats" he said. "Hey Marcus I have a bad feeling about this" one f his friends said. "Shut up I'm busy" Marcus said. "Dude your so persistent on killing her. Leave her be. For some reason I know your going to regret this" another one of his friends said. He growled and gripped my neck tighter. I had little air entering my lungs now. "Time to finish you off" he said. I didn't have any energy left to keep my sent masked, so I unmasked it. Someone began sniffing the air frantically and I knew that was a bad idea. I heard footsteps running down the hall and I felt him squeeze my neck tighter. "I can see your suffering" he said walking to the edge of the railing. "Goodbye" he said dropping me. I felt Dancer struggling to get free to save me, but I held him tightly. I squeezed my eyes closed tightly and waited for impact, but I landed in someone's arms and I felt sparks.

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